Why education is important?
Quote : "I think an education is not only important , it is the most important thing you can do with your life" – Dean Kamen
Every people in this world are all need education. Education is knowledge, education is life, and education is their future. As a necessary thing for all human, so it is very popular and common in all over the world because it is a step for human to get knowledge.
Now I will argue about why everybody need education, why education is important and how education effect people
What is education? Education is about teaching and learning for improving skills and knowledge. Education also means helping people to do, to learn and encouraging them to think what they learn. Education can give people knowledge of society, country, the world and many things else. From children to adult are supposed to have knowledge through education. More details, education helps and guide people from uneducated to knowledge.
Now I will writing about education for everybody because I think this topic is reality and fit me
Types of education Formal education – Where people can...show more content...
Education in Vietnam I feel like it focus about theory more than practical and education in Vietnam have 9 subject and when the test coming is really stressful to study 9 subject and it more difficult each year . But education in America is more practical and more effective. Student in America just study 4 or 5 subject and student can focus more about each subject when school have test, quiz, ... But student in America must study by their own and voluntarily and when they are not in school they have to do a lot of problem sets, reading assignment and paper, ... It helpful to makeup sure the they can understand all the lesson. And that is why student in Vietnam are study abroad to different country to study, they want to learn and know about education in other
Why Is Education Important Essay
Why education is important?
Quote : "I think an education is not only important , it is the most important thing you can do with your life" – Dean Kamen
Every people in this world are all need education. Education is knowledge, education is life, and education is their future. As a necessary thing for all human, so it is very popular and common in all over the world because it is a step for human to get knowledge.
Now I will argue about why everybody need education, why education is important and how education effect people
What is education? Education is about teaching and learning for improving skills and knowledge. Education also means helping people to do, to learn and encouraging them to think what they learn. Education can give people knowledge of society, country, the world and many things else. From children to adult are supposed to have knowledge through education. More details, education helps and guide people from uneducated to knowledge.
Now I will writing about education for everybody because I think this topic is reality and fit me
Types of education Formal education – Where people can...show more content...
Education in Vietnam I feel like it focus about theory more than practical and education in Vietnam have 9 subject and when the test coming is really stressful to study 9 subject and it more difficult each year . But education in America is more practical and more effective. Student in America just study 4 or 5 subject and student can focus more about each subject when school have test, quiz, ... But student in America must study by their own and voluntarily and when they are not in school they have to do a lot of problem sets, reading assignment and paper, ... It helpful to makeup sure the they can understand all the lesson. And that is why student in Vietnam are study abroad to different country to study, they want to learn and know about education in other
The Importance Of Equality In Education
Equality is something almost anyone is willing to fight for whether it be within education, the work field, or any other place one may experience discrimination. While equality was something people of color fought for during the Civil Rights era, discrimination has been a major issue around the world today, and it has continued in the one place children are supposed to be taught to integrate and work with people of different backgrounds and/or skin color; schools. People of color are allowed in schools and access to the same education as anyone else, but at times they still subject to discrimination. In schools today, discrimination in the form of harsh punishment and negative racial perceptions has become a major obstacle people of color may have to face to gain quality education.
The first step to solving any problem is acknowledging it, which has been done. Schools have rules set in place to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. In "How to Promote Equality & Diversity in the Classroom" by Louise Petty, the author states rules like "setting clear rules in regards to how people should be treated" and "creating an all–inclusive culture for staff and students," which are rules many schools use to make sure the idea of equality for all is up held. By using rules that combat discrimination schools are acknowledging that fact that it happens, and conveying the message that discrimination will not be tolerated.
Everyone can agree that discrimination is wrong, and that
Why College Is Important Essay
College Education is most important because its knowledge that can never be taken away from you and you will always have your college education to fall back on. First of all, the value of a college education can be taken in all different kinds of aspects. When enrolling in school I look at it like this is my pride and glory and no one can take this from me. You can lose all your fame and fortune but if you have a college education it remains the same. In my prospective college education is valued. College is a goal of mine that I'm going to achieve. With my Bachelor of Health Administration degree I plan on working in children's hospitals one of my biggest dreams. When attending college you have to truly be a level headed person and stay...show more content...
With the economy being so low now it makes me take a lot more value in my education as I did when I was growing up. Growing up I didn't care much about going to college if I made out of high school I was fine. Now attending college and learning more and more makes me appreciate how important education is to me. School is very timely and precise everything is done differently. Little mistakes you make can mean a big deduction off your grade. School is my main priority because it means so much to me. Everyone should value there education and get all the knowledge while they can. Education is the most important part in your schooling because it leads to your success. Education holds the key to a successful future. Education can also help an individual to reach his/her life goals and dreams. The more education I receive the more choices and opportunities I will have. With an education, I have more options, which often lead to greater success and happiness in life. By going to college, I can choose what I want to do in life. A student will also be able to choose a career that interests them and that will enable them to achieve there dreams. Education starts in grade school and up. The more education you receive, the more money you may be able to earn. On average, a person with a four–year college degree earns more money as a person who graduated from high school but did not attend college. . By going to
The Importance of Teaching Essay
The Importance of Teaching
Education should be a part of everyone's life. A good education offers something for everyone, whether it be on the simple level or a more complex one. Education should provide provide an opportunity for students to develop a strong sense of creativity, a high self esteem, and a life long respect for learning. Education should help students establish a strong sense of confidence in themselves. A teacher will be one factor that helps a student learn and progress along their way through life. Teachers combine their own ideas with other people's to be able to give a good education to their students.
My philosophy on education exists with my ideas combined with others. I agree with Rousseau in that...show more content...
One without the other is no good. Their attitude toward health is concerned with productiveness, but most of all agree with their learning techniques, They believe in reading and speech because if one hears good, one will do good.
I believe in the Pragmatists view that we learn best through experience. Progressiveness brings up the ideas that education should be tested by experiments and that learning is rooted in questions developed by the learners. Progressive style also emphasizes that the school should actively prepare students for change.
Essentialists bring up the point of the educational goal. They believe that a good education should transmit one's cultural heritage and develops them into good citizens. Humanism is concerned with enhancing the innate goodness of the individual, which is the mail qualities the teacher wants to bring out.
My philosophical view is based upon many things. When teaching, there should be hands on experience for the students. The curriculum should be the basics and whatever else interests the students should make out the rest of their schedule. Teaching should not be student centered or teacher centered. I believe it should be a combination of both. There should be a median somewhere. The highest thing on my list is what the humanists have to say. They believe every teacher should be a positive. A positive teacher is one that can be a role model for the students. They also build self
Why Is Education Important?
Once upon a time, there was a six–year–old girl who lived with her elderly grandmother after she lost her mother to a massive heart attack. On one hot summer day, the grandmother is reading, telling stories and speaking to the little girl. At one point the grandmother said "I want you to get your education." The little girl asked "Why is getting my education important?" Her grandmother responded with "You need your education so you can take care of yourself and maybe me when you're older; just promise me you will get your education." Her granddaughter said, "I promise grandma, but school is really hard and I don't like it." The elderly woman laughs softly and said "I know its hard baby, but don't give up and if you need help just ask for help." The young one smiled and said "Okay I'll try my best and get my education." The grandmother also smiles with her.
Mikaela Robinson wakes up from her flashback about her and her grandmother and smile to herself as she recalls her younger self and her grandmother. She is now a seventeen– year –old African American girl. She has curly medium length dark hair and coffee brown eyes with big round glass. Mikaela is a shy and quiet girl who loves learning and reading books. Today is now the first day of her senior year of high school. She is glad that this year is her last year in high school and is ready to go to college to further her education. She meets her homeroom teacher Ms. Green who is an African American woman that teaches
Name / Ahmed Nabeel Badrah
ID / 20120639
Report about Education
1.1– Introduction page 3
1.2– Basic Definition page 4
1.3– Where does education take place ? page 5
2– Education within a social and cultural context page 6.7
2.1– Why is education important for developing a permanent culture page 8,9,10
2.2– Self–directed learning page 11
3– Conclusion of education page 12
introduction of education
To facilitate the kind of cultural shift that it needed to move us towards a sustainable and ecologically sound future that is underpinned by cooperation and equality, we need to re–evaluate and re–learn different ways of how we work within the world and how we interact and relate to it and each other. In order to achieve any of this, we need to educate ourselves and each other as we explore and experiment our way into a possible future.
1.1– Basic Definition :
Education, in a very general sense can be summed up at a basic level as referring to an experience or act that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In the sense that it is formative means that education is serving to form something and particularly something that will have a long lasting effect on the persons mind and faculties. The most obvious example of this is the ability to understand
Why College Education Is Important To Me Essay
Why College Education is Important To Me Obtaining a college education, or in my case, finalizing my college education is important to me in order to lay the ground work for my future career's foundation. I have learned over time that by putting my education and advancement of knowledge on hold to focus on my "here and now" has done nothing other than set me back in my professional life. My hope is that by taking this step to re–enroll in school, my future will now not only appear more stable but financially reliable as well. I want to be a contributing factor to society and to offer my services to the community around me, especially to the misguided adolescents. I want to make an impact within the environment I reside. With a degree, I...show more content...
In the past and even now, the only one thing preventing me from becoming a Probation Officer is solely the lack of a college degree. Knowledge alone does not often times offer opportunity for employment. It is hard nowadays to work within any prominent position without completion of an advanced education. "Not all jobs require a college education, but pursuing the highest level of education consistent with your career goals, talents and abilities is likely to pay off, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Hearst Seattle Media, LLC)." With that being said, most everyone looks for a degree before considering anyone for anything. Just as the requirements for becoming a Probation Officer not only state that you have to be a U.S. Citizen but that a bachelor's degree is mandatory prior to even being considered for employment. Things have advanced so much within the work field that now employers are needing to ensure those they hire are well rounded in a multitude of task including but not limited to computer usage, basic office skills, all on top of a degree focusing within their field of
Why Is A College Education Important To You?
Linda Jiang– Student Essay Question #1: Why is a college education important to you? 300–500 words
College education is important to me for a variety of reasons. It opens my future to better opportunities, like having high paying jobs, an easier life without getting paid minimum wage, and allowing me to become a successful pharmacist. In the competitive world we live in, even a low–paying job can be difficult to procure, not to mention how scarce high–paying jobs, with reasonable working conditions, hours, and bosses, are. Most of these high–paying jobs require a lot of time and effort to procure because one would have go through years of education to finish college and a get degree. A college education allows me to become a pharmacist, which is currently my most desired profession. I aspire to become a pharmacist because it is an interesting profession, will continuously challenge me, and in my opinion, is pretty suitable for me. Not only a college education will help me become a pharmacist, but it will also give me hand–ons experiences of being pharmacist and provide me with ample resources to find a suitable job. Even if I choose not to...show more content...
The first reason is that I want to give my future generations the best chance and opportunity possible. Even though my parents are immigrants and did not have a college education, they still worked very diligently to provide for me and my siblings a chance at college and a good education. By getting a college education and a decent job, I will be fulfilling everything they wanted for me and be continuing what they are doing. The second reason a college education is important is because it allows me to pay my parents back for everything they have done to enable me to go to college. After I get a decent job, I will be able to support my parents financially and allow them to retire without worrying too much about money and
Importance Of Catholic Education Essay
Why Catholic Education is Important to Me
Ever since I was little, I have felt that Catholic education has been the best fit for me. Catholic education is important to me because I am able to practice my faith and get an individualized education that will help prepare me for college and for real life. At school, praying and worshiping with my friends has always been natural to me, as we feel more like a family than just classmates. With a faith filled, family based education that teaches me not only academic lessons, but life lessons, I know I will be adequately prepared to give back, especially give back to the Giver of all life.
Firstly, I feel that I have received a more personalized education, as Catholic schools typically have smaller class sizes than public schools. I am able to focus on my school work and my spiritual life without most of the extra distractions. By nurturing my academics, I am able to tend and be tended to by my teachers and my parents, who support me by teaching me not only school lessons, but also valuable life skills and morals.
Another reason why Catholic education is important to me is that since I have always attended Catholic school, it has become like a second family me. During religion class, my friends and I frequently pray for each other and we ask others to pray for our personal needs as well. Some of my classmates and I are so close, we are like siblings rather than teenagers who go to school together. If I attended a public school, with
EN110.6.1 Achieving Academic Excellence
Lesson 5 Writing Assessment
September 26, 2014
Why Is A College Education Important to Me?
Henry Ford, said, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." For years, I thought I was just too old to return to school. However, for 20 years, I've worked in a career that provided great financial stability, but it never brought happiness. When I was laid–off, I made the decision to not return to the corporate world; instead, I started my process of becoming a successful counselor and motivational speaker. Spending time with my family and doing what makes me happy are my overall goals in life. So here I am forty–one and enrolled...show more content...
Great advantages, brings amazing benefits to being an adult learner.
The benefit to being an adult leaner is having over 20 years of real–life work and personal experience. Why not, use the knowledge I have learned, and apply it to a college education. Haley Drucker author of "Going Back to College as an Adult: The Benefits" mentions, adults are more focused and understand the importance of an education. It's important to me to gain all the knowledge I can to be a successful counselor. My focus comes from being able to spend quality time with my husband and children. We have to move away from doing things we are use too or what is safe, and do things we enjoy. The benefit of being an adult learner we tend to develop a more cohesive plan to achieve our goals.
Antoine de Saint–Exupéry, French Author, said "A goal without a plan is just a wish." I have developed a four step plan to achieve my goals: 1. Get over the notion I was too old to return to school, 2. Find a job which would pay for my education, but still give me the flexibility to be at home, 3. Enroll in a school, which was affordable and can be controlled by my own pace and 4. Build a brand others will appreciate around the world. A great plan brings motivation and inspiration. As adult learners we must be motivated and inspired by other adult learners.
I am inspired by my mother, Tecora Rogers the DePaul Graduate and motivated by my husband and three children to succeed.
Why Education Is Important
De 'Jahlyn Massenburg
October 5th, 2014
Why is Education Important?
Education provides us with knowledge. It produces us with a good sense of looking at life. Education makes us able to do things right and applying information together. Education is important because it equips us with what is needed to realize our future goals. Education is important for the social development and growth of education. English and Language skills can help you to talk your ideas/thoughts out. Although calculators and computers are accessible, you should learn how to do basic calculations on paper or in your head. Another reason why education is important because healthcare careers of ten require knowledge and understanding of the sciences and technology. Education is also important because it helps your skills and your knowledge. Education contributes to the economic and prosperity and social environment in a community or society. Well–educated people work in higher level jobs, drive business development, and earn more money. Many social conditions are enchanted with an educated population. Education is very important for all people, which you don 't have to rely on others for guidance all the time. There are so many places which don 't have the educational opportunities as we do. I sometimes wish that kids in America who skip school, or don 't have the time to do their homework would have the opportunity to go to a country like Africa so that they could just see how much easier it is in life
Essay on What Is the Purpose of Education?
Getting educated is very important for every person. It goes without saying that each of us has to have a proper education. We learn how to read, count and write. These are the basic abilities we acquire and use during our life. Is there any other purpose of education or it is aimed only at giving us a possibility to communicate our ideas and satisfy basic needs? During centuries, there were different interpretations of the purpose of education. Many scientists, pedagogues and philosophers tried to answer the question: what is the purpose of education? Taking into consideration the needs and tendencies of a modern society, we can assume that the purpose of education is to prepare students to be self–sufficient citizens capable of solving...show more content...
Our education should be aimed at educating people who love the world they lie in and who are ready to become peacemakers and healers of the world (Orr 55). A sustainable society "consists" of citizens, workers, specialists, technicians, etc, who are ready to work in order to build and support such society. One of the ways to provide such education is to "get outdoor". The skills and abilities develop in real world and not in artificial situations in class. In this regard, we may refer to the Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". One should "touch" the real world problems and get personal experience from it. Shadows in the cave are the retrospectives of the real knowledge. To acquire the knowledge, we should leave the "cave". We can learn theory separated from practice and this will not have any result. Instead, we should understand that every individual is a part of the natural world, thus, education should be based on ecological literacy as "health of our planet" is one of the most urgent questions of the modern social community.
For many centuries, the principles of the classical education were in the spotlight. The good of the individual, realizing his/her own potential were the purposes of the learning process. Cultural development is the aim of the classical education. It stands above everything, including religion. (Nietzsche, n. p.). Referring to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to interpret the classical education in modern society, we can say that
Importance of Early Childhood Education Essay
Importance of Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education is for children from the ages three to eight years old. In this field there are four learning goals that early programs have for a young child.
The four learning goals are: knowledge (consists of facts, concepts, ideas, and vocabulary), skills ( small units of action that occur in short period of time), disposition ( respond to certain situations), and feelings ( emotional states) ( Katz 2003). With an successful care giving and early education, it can bring an positive outcome to a child's life. What a child learns in their early years are things that will continue to helps them along in their future in school and in the real world. When a child is introduced...show more content...
Not only does early education bring the benefit of interaction, it also lets the child feel loved and have trust in others. If a child is encountered with early programs then they are able to meet the needs of their child stage life. If these needs are not properly met, then they may become less successful in their performance in an educational environment.
Learning Opportunities
There are many types of learning opportunities that can encourage a child to learn and help to enhance their abilities. Child care centers are a great way to encourage a child to learn, and to be ready for the school atmosphere. "The Big Top Child Care Center" in Laurel, Maryland have an excellent program for children between two to nine years of age. They have an environment where teachers are well trained and are first aid and CPR certified. They enhance a child's learning by providing them with nutrition, educational field trips, and special events. Elementary schools are the opening door for early childhood education. Children can begin their learning experience in pre–kindergarten and kindergarten which are the first grades of elementary education. " Ring Factory Elementary" located at Harford county in Maryland is a school that has three kindergarten classes that teach five to six year olds the beginning of their educational life. Not only are there child care centers and schools a great
There is no doubt that the importance of education and schooling in the lives of our youth today. It serves many purposes such as attainment of knowledge, the opportunity to reach goals and the learning of norms in our society. It also provides other latent functions such as child care and a safe place to be when parents are working. School also allows for other functions to occur such as patriotism, innovation, competition and establishing peer friendships. Education and schooling is a necessity in any society and at its core helps establish and teach the norms and laws of a society. But we are imperfect people and in any imperfection there is conflict.
Due to social placement, students at an early age are put on a certain track that undermines many students their ability to succeed. Students, as soon as they reach elementary school, are placed in certain categories labeling or tracking them in a certain way. If a child does not catch on or takes more attention to get to answers or attain knowledge, teachers may put them on a slower pace easier track and pass that information on to the next teacher. If students are at a higher pace they might be put in the gifted or advance track. This becomes a self–fulfilling prophecy where both the teacher and the student believe in what they have been told or what they have assessed. A child's self–esteem is formed in the years that they are enrolled in school. I am a parent of two differently abled children. My oldest always had trouble in school and I knew right away that something was not right, I asked teacher after to teacher to get her tested and instead they labeled my child as inept. They just kept piling homework on her that would last hours instead of really helping my child. Finally, right before third grade I forced the issue and she was tested. She was diagnosed with dyslexia, short term memory loss and ADD. She was also was determined to have an above average IQ. My child was placed or tracked into the lower classes when what she really needed was help. I have never allowed my child ever to use these disabilities as a crutch or excuse. She
Why Is Education Important?
Why does society consider education such an important quest? Should there be a purpose for education or should education simply be an intrinsic pursuit (Marples, 2010), where individuals just want to learn and become more knowledgeable. Education should be accessible for all young people to obtain skills required to become meaningful members of society, whether it is simply to acquire knowledge or to acquire more purposeful skills for a meaningful profession. How that occurs is determined by stakeholders commissioned to realise the aims for education devised by governments, who ultimately decide what is best for society. Education can be applied to any number of programmes that teach and encourage learning (Hand, 2010). The argument...show more content...
The purpose of this view of education is to prepare individuals for the real world, where employment enables them to earn a living which in turn benefits society. The vocational view requires a curriculum that has theoretical inquiry as its base. Students undertake practical activities (Hand, 2010) specific for their chosen career path. Richard Pring (2004) argues that the liberal and vocational views can be combined – resolved view, where theory and practice can be blended into meaningful activities that have a holistic approach to student's education. An integrated curriculum that shifts learning from knowledge–oriented to virtue–oriented and moves away from discrete subject (Hand, 2010) areas. Integrated curriculums teach values based ideals that will educate students into the type of people society want children to be (Hand, 2010).
Everyone has an equal right to an education (Warnock, 1975), what each individual chooses to do with their education is up to them. Education should be liberating, having the capacity to involve students in the pure joy of learning and increasing their capacity to think. Why get educated if education does not serve any instrumental purpose (Marples, 2010). Society would suffer without individuals trained in the required skills to undertake work that maintains humanity. The most obvious function of
Essay on Education Is Not the Key to Success
About 20 years ago, education was something that a person did only if he/she wanted to. Unfortunately, as the years went by, the idea of "Education is the key to success" got more, and more enforced. People eventually started to believe that education was the single way to succeed, and the only thing needed for success. Despite the fact, many Americans believe a college degree will lead them to be successful, in reality, education is not the solitary way to succeed. Not everybody can receive an education, or even an excellent education from a "decent academic" college/university. "There are many students who have no desire to attend college and who would be much better off if they...show more content...
Education or book learning had nothing to do with the success of those people that chose to take another path rather than the typical one (education). People can be successful in any field with the right skills. Book learning has a lot to do with the knowledge a person has, but not with the skills a person has. There are many A+ graduates out there that cannot get a job, or are stuck working at a place that had nothing to do with their degree. A numerous amount of students in college care more about grades than knowledge; some graduate having forgotten everything they ever learned. So there goes a college graduate with little knowledge and no skills. Can a person like that succeed? No. That's why education is not the key to success. People cannot just go to college and expect that passing classes will get them to succeed. The main thing a person needs in order to succeed is drive, motivation and passion. He/she has to know what their end goal is and what they need to do to get it. "Commit to the achievement of the elusive goal in your life" (Arcement, 101). The person has to go about learning what skills will take her or him to be successful. One of the main skills a person should have is persistence. A person must always keep going after his or her goal even if it takes
Persuasive Essay On The Importance Of Education
A high–quality and accessible education is important for all children. Through education, children gain knowledge and skills that can lead to greater opportunities and upward mobility later in life. Education has [Passive] long enabled people to go further than they ever thought possible; to explore new ideas and to achieve new goals. Fostering knowledge and creativity enables children to forge their own paths in life. As an educator, it is my greatest desire to guide children on their educational journeys in a meaningful way. I hope to provide the children in my classroom an accessible, inclusive and resource rich learning environment.
Access to a reliable, equitable and high–quality education can has a lasting positive effect on...show more content...
A classroom where everyone has access, is not necessarily a classroom where everyone feels included. In order to create an inclusive environment, the teacher should assure that all students feel included and understood. Diversity should be valued in the classroom and this starts with the attitude of the teacher. When students come from a different backgrounds, the teacher should learn about their cultures and integrate that knowledge into the learning environment. The teacher should also strive to foster acceptance and value in classroom diversity among students.
Students shouldn't suffer because they are unable to afford basic resources needed for school. If a parent is unable to provide the student with what they need, I would have available extra supplies including, notebooks, binders, and pens on hand for student use. Additionally, I think it's important to acknowledge that sometimes the resources students are lacking stretch beyond the walls of the classroom. The problem might be as simple as not getting breakfast in the morning, or as complicated as not having a place to live. Obviously, as teachers we probably have the ability to fix the first one (free school breakfast application help), but not the later. We can, however, be empathetic to a student's situation and treat them with understanding instead of frustration.
Future Classroom
My goal is to make my classroom a learning environment where all students can be
Why Is Black Education Important
Black education is important because of the level of importance that is place on education in the United States. The statement knowledge is power is cliché but it is still very true. In order to provide for yourself in America you must have an education. Three reasons why I believe black education is important is because in the early years African Americans were prohibited from receiving an education in order to keep us down. Another reason is African Americans need an education to compete in the job market and education is one of the few things that cannot be taken from us.
From the beginning society wanted to deprive Africans an education. Slaves couldn't receive an education and was known as ignorant. There weren't many places that they could learn and most slaves masters would punished their slaves severely if they did learn to read. Some slaves risk their lives in order to learn how to read and write. We as blacks have something to prove, seeing how slaves couldn't receive an education at time. I feel as we should jump on any and every chance we get to further our education.
Although the constitution says that all men are created equal, an African American's chance of surviving in the job market is almost half of a white person's. In order to even up the playing ground we need as much education we can get. We won't stand any chance...show more content...
What we learn and the degrees we attain will forever be ours. The knowledge we gain can never be taken from us. We will always have that power and we can choose what to do with it. When Barack Obama became the first African American president it was the "nail in the coffin" for people who didn't want to see African Americans achieve greatness. President Obama is a prime example that with education the sky is the limit, he reached where he is now because of the great education he got and no one can take away from