Communication, as described in ',' is a two–way process in reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. It is a means of connection between people or places. Without communication there would be no understanding between people and important information and messages would not be correctly conveyed. This is why communication plays an important role in our daily lives and when not done or when done incorrectly it may cause many undesired issues. There are two forms of communication: non–verbal communication and verbal communication.
Verbal and non–verbal communication:
Verbal communication is the use of language and sounds to convey a message clearly. There are two types of verbal communication: written and oral. Written communication is the use of pens and paper, emails, texting and any other form of contact using language and not speech. Oral communication is the use of speech either face–to–face or via the phone or any form of communication where spoken words are being used to convey a message. Non–verbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of speech or sound. There are nine features of non–verbal communication, I will speak about three: eye contact, facial expressions and posture. Eye contact, also referred to as gaze, plays a role in showing the speaker that you're listening and that you're willing to interact with them.
The Importance Of Verbal Communication
Humans communicate with each other through a variety of ways. There are the obvious forms of language, verbal communication; then there are the not so obvious ways, body language and facial expressions. Verbal communication is more than just the words being said, it's tone, and the length in time that is spent expressing ourselves and our expectations. If someone is speaking to you in a loud or aggressive tone, you will likely get the sense that they are angry, or disappointed with you. Also, if irritation is present their tone will likely reflect that, and the length of time they spend speaking with you will probably be much shorter than if they were not irritated. When teachers and other people of authority speak in kind, reassuring tones, the recipient or student gets the sense that person of authority likes them and believes in them. When instruction is given thoroughly and with the adequate amount of time for the person receiving the instruction to ask questions, the student gets the feeling that the teacher believes in them enough to make sure they have all the information to do well. Whereas if the teacher's, or person of authority's, instructions are not thorough enough and questions are asked by the recipient, the instructor responds by either not answering the question at all or dismisses the question as not being relevant. The recipient is likely to feel as though they were not worth the other persons time and the work they produce will reflect on the belief that
Communication Journal Entry
Journal Entry 4
Perhaps there is nothing more important than understanding how we communicate if we want to ensure that we are able to convey our ideas and intent to people across a wide variety of cultures in a wide variety of settings. Thus, it is vital for me to understand my verbal communication style if I want to be an effective speaker. After our Encounters class on verbal communication, I was able to better understand how I communicate with others. I realized that being brought up in a low context culture, in addition to the fact that I was an immigrant, has made me to be more explicit in my words than implicit. More often than not, when I communicate, I will try to verbally indicate as many details and instructions as possible. Conversely, I have difficulty communicating with people who are more implicit in their verbal communication style – if I'm not familiar with the culture or slang, I might interpret their message more literally. Furthermore, when I communicate, I feel as if I don't consider "face" as much as other people. I have always emphasized facts and the truth, even at the cost of losing face. As a result, I am more straightforward in my choice of words. For example, If I feel someone is not contributing to some sort of group project, I will tell that person that they are not doing their part for the team. Of course, through my experiences, I have come to realize the importance of how a message is conveyed – it doesn't matter how true and important a
The forms of communication are
· Verbal communication
· Nonverbal communication
· Writing
· Technological acts
· Lip reading
· Sign language
· Braille Verbal communication
Verbal communication is the use of sounds and words to express you, especially in contrast to using gestures or mannerisms.
· Understanding, clarity & transparency.
· Effective tool for motivation.
· Allows to measure effectiveness immediately.
· It's the only way out during an emergency. Advantages of verbal communication
One of the major advantages of verbal communication is that it travels much faster than other means of communication. A person intending to deliver a quick message will always prefer to communicate orally. In case quick decisions are required to made, verbal communication is the most preferred method of communicating decision. This form of communication helps to save time considerably by delivering message to the recipient almost instantly.
· Lack of retention/documentation.
· Possibility of misunderstanding.
· It is constrained by physical barriers.
· Not effective when the target group is spread out. Disadvantages of verbal communications
Communication is the process by which individuals and businesses transfer messages between or among each other. While many communications forms exist, verbal communication is quite common because it simply requires one individual to verbalise words to convey a message. However, verbal communication does have some disadvantages, much like any other communication method. Individuals and businesses must be aware of these advantages or limitations so they can overcome them priority. Advantages of non– verbal communication
Non–verbal message may substitute for the verbal message especially if it is blocked by noise, interruption, long distance etc. for example: gestures–finger to lips to indicate need for quite, facial expressions– a nod instead of a yes. On–verbal message may substitute for the verbal message especially if it is blocked by noise, interruption, long distance etc. for example: gestures–finger to lips to indicate need for quite, facial
Communication And Communication Essay
There are various types of communication in today's world where technology is embedded and manifest in all of them without us feeling it as a pervasive and hankering presence. Most used among these are verbal, non–verbal and visual communication. Verbal communication refers to the spoken word. The information is transmitted through a verbal medium like words, speeches, presentations and more. For instance, in educational institutions and professional organizations, individuals communicate verbally with each other through dialogues, lecture, presentations, discussions and even conversation. The clarity of the message conveyed cannot be achieved unless the message is well–spoken and concise, unambiguous and definite. Slowly and gradually technology is pervading and conquering our daily lives. With verbal communication being substituted by technological interface people are being more involved in the virtual and digital world than being present in the real world. According to Emily Drago ( EJSPRING 15) in a study of verbal communication with and without the aid of mobile devices, it was elucidated that the use of technology inherent in these mobile devices affects human relationships during communication. People not using such devices to communicate showed higher levels of empathy and concern and people using such devices showed less of the same quality. Researchers found that conversations in the absence of mobile communication technologies were rated as significantly superior
Use of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Essay
One thing we all have in common is that we must all communicate in one form or another. Everyone communicates even if they know it or not. Both verbal and nonverbal communication is used during conversations. Using both forms helps convey and support the message you are trying to send. Up to 90% of all communication is nonverbal. Most communicators use body language, gestures, and facial expressions during conversations as well as using words. Nonverbal communication is more likely to be used than verbal. Most people perceive people by their first appearances without conversing. An example of this would be if Susie wore dress shirts and skirts to class while Betty wore t–shirts and pajama pants. On first sight someone may more content...
Aware of it or not, both girls outfits are communicating with nonverbal communication. Another example is the light that controls traffic. No one has to be reminded that you are supposed to go on green because it is a memorized action. The green light on the traffic light is just nonverbally reiterates you to accelerate. Sometimes nonverbal communication may be perceived in ways it was not intended to be. Often this type of communication has one or more meanings. An example would be at a wedding, guests may not be crying because they are sad but they may be happy. Everyone recognizes nonverbal messages in different ways. In order to verbally communicate language is needed. Using the English language we use sounds, words, and grammar to send a message to another person. The words have meaning and use grammar to set guidelines on the structure. We learn how to use sounds to form words that have definitions. We use these words to form sentences to help explain the thoughts and ideas we want to send to another person. We use language as a bridge to carry our thoughts and ideas from the mind and brain to oral messages. On occasion verbal communication can be confused with an unintentional meaning. Occasionally people say words they do not know the correct meaning which will confuse the listener. Other time words have the same sound but different meaning such as the two words: fore and four.
In conclusion, nonverbal and
Verbal Communication Essay
Communication is a Latin word which means 'to share'. It is the sharing of information between different individuals. It includes the sharing of ideas, concepts, imaginations, behaviours and written content. Communication is simply defined as the transfer of information from one place to another. This transfer of information can be shown in different ways. Communication is sending and receiving information between two or more people. The person sending the message is referred to as the sender, while the person receiving the information is called the receiver. The information conveyed can include facts, ideas, concepts, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, instructions and even emotions. Verbal communication is simply sending a message through more content...
Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that can be used to send a message. This is mostly expressions, you can tell when someone is mad or happy by looking at the movement of their hands etc. Oral communication is the process of verbally transmitting information and ideas from one individual or group to another. Oral communication can be either formal or informal.
Face–to–Face Meetings, In–Person Oral Presentations, Online Meetings, Videoconferencing, Teleconferencing, Phone Calls, Voice Messages, Videos, Blogs, Reports, Brochures, Newsletters, Fliers, Emails and Memos are the most common form of communications used by businesses.
Face–to–face: Face–to–face communication helps to establish a personal connection and will help sell the product or service to the customer. These interactions can portray a whole different message than written communication as tone, pitch, and body language is observed. Information is easier to access and delivered immediately with interactions rather than waiting for an email or phone call. Conflicts are also easily resolved this way, as verbal and non–verbal indications are observed and acted upon. Communicating professionally is important as one is representing the company. Speaking clearly and asking questions to understand the needs and wants, letting the recipient respond as one resolves the issue is
As it is characterized in "The Interpersonal Communication Book (thirteenth ed.)" by J.A. DeVito (2013), Interpersonal Communication is the verbal and nonverbal connection between two (or now and then more than two) interdependent individuals. (DeVito, 2013) Simple as that may sound, interpersonal communication incorporates much more than meets the eye, and is shockingly exceptionally logical in nature. This review analyzes three major topics from the course, CA104: Interpersonal Communication, and relates personal real–life examples to illustrate communication terms printed in a textbook. The convergence of this survey spins around three major points, which include: (1) significance of Nonverbal Communication, (2) rewards and results more content...
(DeVito, 2013). The normal misguided judgment is that verbal correspondence is more critical than, and free from nonverbal correspondence. In any case, that is totally wrong. Nonverbal correspondence is disputably much more essential that verbal correspondence since it really works all the while and concordantly with verbal correspondence, giving significance and profundity to generally bland words. Basically, verbal correspondence is the thing that you say, and nonverbal correspondence is the thing that you mean. For example, the expression "are you genuine," has a full range of suggestions. It is difficult to comprehend the importance behind that expression without the guide of no less than one of the "9 Channels of Nonverbal Communication". Contingent upon the nonverbal prompts, "are you genuine" could go up against astonish, energy, satisfaction, stun, outrage, frustration, and so forth.
By and by, I think that its most straightforward to pick up on my life partner 's nonverbal prompts. I have turned out to be touchy to specific types of nonverbal correspondence she tends to utilize; particularly when certain unobtrusive developments and looks verifiably and straightforwardly mirror an upsetting state of mind and disposition. Fundamentally, I can tell when I 'm "in the doghouse" or going to be in a bad position. My speculation is that I have turned out to be ultra–touchy to the nonverbal
Clear communication is key in life, in fact, it is essential. Communicating clearly can make the difference between telling someone verbally "I love it!" in a joyous tone when receiving a gift you enjoy or saying, "" with a look of grimace, when you found out the present was a disappointment. Communication has two main factors: Verbal and Nonverbal. Verbal Communication is messages one uses to relay information to another person through words or language. This type of communication can be a face–to–face interaction or may use channels such as email or written letters to communicate a message. Nonverbal communication are messages that are not spoken but conveyed through one's body language. Unspoken messages can more content...
After making this comment, my bother–in–law who is Mexican, just stared at me and said harshly "What? Why would you do that?" I was confused by his comment, I could not understand why he was upset with me. Apparently, Hale in Spanish is slang for drug run; needless to say I was speechless. My brother–in–law actually thought I was going to take my sons to acquire drugs. Miscommunication was definitely present during Christmas dinner, however, messages are not always verbal, and in fact 90% of communication is nonverbal.
When I was in high school I saw this guy whom I never met start to wave at me on campus, not wanting to be rude I waved back. After I waved he started to mouth something I couldn't understand and made a motion like he was tossing a football. Out loud I said "I'm sorry, what that was, I don't understand?" The guy started to laugh and pointed to the person behind me; he was not talking to me. I was completely embarrassed. After the waving incident I make sure that should someone wave at me and I do not recognize the person that I look behind me. In addition, nonverbal miscommunication can be misinterpreted without ones knowledge.
I tend to fold my arms when I sit down and talk to someone. Personally, I find the "Indian Style" arm cross quite comfortable; however, I have learned that folding my arms can cause nonverbal miscommunication. A few years back I was talking with my supervisor
Verbal Communication Paper
CJA 304
Mark A. Stuart
November 22nd 2010
Heather Arambarri
University of Phoenix
Verbal communication and nonverbal communication can have both a negative and positive effect on communication within law enforcement officers making public announcement to the press. Law enforcement academies do not teach techniques of communication to officers going through training even with the prominence of communication in everyday functions. Police officers are held at a higher standard than ordinary citizens but are still humans and have the same problems like ordinary citizens. The transfer of an idea from one location to another can be a challenging task for an officer especially if he or she have more content...
Nonverbal communication reflect the relationship between the participants in a courtroom setting, build authority, and help to maintain the tradition of the courtroom. When testifying in a courtroom nonverbal communication consciously or unconsciously affect perception of credibility and are interpret to express emotions.
The tone of a person voice when testifying in court is a key component in conveying respect for others. The rate in which the person speak will mostly have an impact on the clarity of the testimony. It is important to maintain contact failure to do this will show that the person is not attentive. Not sitting up straight up will show failure to engage in the interactions. This will demonstrate lack of active listening on the person testifying. If the person testifying verbal and nonverbal behaviors are not congruent the defense attorney, district attorney, and jury will believe the nonverbal over the verbal communication. It is important to send consistent message to add strength to the testimony.
Moreover, verbal communication and nonverbal communication can have further affect courtroom communication by sending confusing message that affect effective listening. Poor verbal and nonverbal communication will fail to capture and confirm a message. The focus on the speaker and his or her message will be misleading. When testifying it is important to make sure the
Nonverbal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages without using words, either spoken or written. And it is also called manual language. Similar to the way that italicizing emphasizes written language, nonverbal behavior may emphasize parts of a verbal message. The term nonverbal communication was introduced by psychiatrist Jurgen Ruesch and author Weldon Kees in the book Nonverbal Communication Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations.
It includes the use of visual cues such as body language (kinesics), distance (proxemics) and physical environments/appearance, of voice (paralanguage) and of touch (haptics). It can also include chronemics (the use of time) and oculesics (eye contact and the actions more content...
According to experts, a substantial portion of our communication is nonverbal. Every day, we respond to thousands on nonverbal cues and behaviors including postures, facial expression, eye gaze, gestures, and tone of voice. From our handshakes to our hairstyles, nonverbal details reveal who we are and impact how we relate to other people.
In many cases, we communicate information in nonverbal ways using groups of behaviors. For example, we might combine a frown with crossed arms and unblinking eye gaze to indicate disapproval.
1. Facial Expressions
Facial expressions are responsible for a huge proportion of nonverbal communication. Consider how much information can be conveyed with a smile or a frown. The look on a person 's face is often the first thing we see, even before we hear what they have to say.
While nonverbal communication and behavior can vary dramatically between cultures, the facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, and fear are similar throughout the world.
2. Gestures
Deliberate movements and signals are an important way to communicate meaning without words. Common gestures include waving, pointing, and using fingers to indicate numeric amounts. Other gestures are arbitrary and related to culture. In courtroom settings, lawyers have been known to utilize different nonverbal signals to attempt to sway juror opinions.
An attorney might glance at his watch to suggest that the opposing lawyer 's argument is tedious or might even roll his eyes at
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Listening Skills
Elton Thomas
June 11, 2015
Gary Robbins
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Listening Skills
Verbal and nonverbal communication along with listening skills are social tools that need to be developed in an individual if they want to be successful in todays working society. It is very rare to have a job that requires an individual to speak with absolutely no one so it is more than likely that any chosen career will require theses specific skill sets. Therefore, it is important to try to master these skills and as soon as possible. Verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and listening all have key roles in the communication process between individuals and more content...
Therefore they are always quick to the punch with their words but without even listening or processing what the other person has said. This is a hard mountain to get over for some people and that is why I believe it is the hardest skill to obtain.
Some key examples of verbal and nonverbal communication are things such as, speaking, eye contact, hand gestures, and body language. Speaking is the obvious example of verbal communication, but believe it or not, some people have a hard time speaking to others or figuring out when and where they are supposed to verbally communicate. Being able to speak and get the desired message across is key to communication, without speaking it would still be possible but it would be much more difficult to do so. Eye contact is another major component because it lets the person know that you are attentive to what they are saying by giving the speaker the sense of reassure meant that what is being said is being listened to and understood. Body language is another nonverbal form of communication that is very strong when used. Simple body language gestures can accentuate the words that are being said and it can also be used by itself. For example, turning your back to someone indicates that you do not care what they have to say whereas facing them and making eye contact lets them know you are there and listening. By fully understanding nonverbal communication, it can be solely be used to express emotions or responses and it
Nonverbal Communication Essay
Nonverbal Communication
Any communication interaction involves two major components in terms of how people are perceived: verbal, or what words are spoken and nonverbal, the cues such as facial expressions, posture, verbal intonations, and other body gestures. Many people believe it is their words that convey the primary messages but it is really their nonverbal cues. The hypothesis for this research paper was: facial expressions directly impact how a person is perceived. A brief literature search confirmed this hypothesis.
Every communication interaction involves two parts: the verbal and the nonverbal. Furthermore, every person is always communicating even when they are not saying a word, thus, it is possible to send an more content...
Individuals are perceived according to their facial expressions more so than the words they speak.
The aspect of nonverbal communication has been studied extensively for at least four decades. During the 1960s, volumes were printed about "body language." While that label has become trite to the point of jokes, the subject itself is valid and has been given a more appropriate label: nonverbal communication. Words, in and of themselves, do not convey the entire message in any communication interaction. There are always nonverbal cues. Even in a telephone conversation, there is are cues in terms of voice inflection, tone, volume, speed. Loudness and/or a harsh tone, for instance, communicates hostility and/or anger. Whether the speaker means to convey that message or not is immaterial because it is the listener's interpretation that will set the tone for the rest of the conversation.
It is difficult enough to interpret words accurately, in fact, there are no doubt more misinterpreted messages than not (Cherney and Tynan, 1990). When the element of nonverbal is incorporated, the rate of misinterpretations increases dramatically (Elgin, 1980).
Most people are surprised to learn exactly how much information they communicated about themselves through their facial expressions. The intricacies of what one does with their the eyes, eyebrows, forehead, lips, tongue, teeth, and mouth while listening or talking combine to send some
Verbal Communication And Written Communication
There are 2 types of communication that will be discussed below, which are verbal communication and written communication
2.3.1 Verbal communication
Verbal communication exchange their information between different people by communicating orally. The examples of verbal communication would include face–to–face conversation, meetings, interviews, conferences, speeches and phone calls. Verbal communication allows us to exchange ideas, understand the difference in perception and come out with resolution. Work performance is rather significant in employers communication skill which implied their proficiency.
The process of transferring information in verbal communication is from one person to another person or groups orally. An effective communication happen only when both party participate in the process understand each other. The information receiver should be able to interpret and decode the message.
2.3.2 Written communication
The written communication is communication in readable characteristics by printed or handwritten. Other than that, written communication could also include emails, notes, memos or proposals. In order to achieve success in a project, project manager need to deliver the message clearly, sufficiently and effectively. There may have confusion or failure if unclear written message is sent. The technology of written communication had been develop to become editable and revisable. These functions allow the message that is going to deliver to be flexible in
Observation: Verbal Communication
The purpose of my observation this week was to observe communication. The first example of communication I observed was between a teacher and a teacher. They were discussing tests and to keep things private and confidential they talked quietly. The second example of communication I observed was between teacher and student. They were discussing test scores and that child's progress. This communication is also done privately, because it was not information to be shared with the whole class. The third and final example of communication I observed was between teacher and parent. A student had been sick, and rather than the nurse calling the parent, the teacher did it. When a teacher calls instead of someone like a secretary, or nurse it is more
Nonverbal Communication Essay
Found information states that "nonverbal communication is the process of transporting messages through behaviors, physical characteristics and objects". Its how and what we use in order to express our feelings and say things. Using symbols is a way of using nonverbal communication. Also nonverbal communication is the way we use body language and gestures too. Nonverbal communication is often used unconsciously. When using the certain communication it can be misinterpreted also. There are many different categories of nonverbal communication. They are the following: Aesthetics, Artifacts, Chronemics, Haptics, Kinesics, Paralanguage, Physical Appearance, Proxemics, and Oculesics.
Aesthetics is the study of nature, beauty more content...
It is a form of nonverbal communication". Found information also states that, "the length of time that we spend engaged in an activity reflects our priorities and preferences". The use of your time tells what your priorities are. For example, you are a college student and you club and party all the time and rarely go to class. That tells that school isn't really your top priority partying is.
Haptics is the study of touch and the use of it. Research states that "women are more likely to touch more than men. Also, they associate touch with warmth and expression. Women are touched more gently than men are. Men are touched more harshly and they use their touch to direct, assert power, and to express sexual interest".
Kinesics is the study of body movements, meaning gestures, facial expression, and posture. Now this is one of the nonverbal categories that are very much misinterpreted. Research states that "women's facial and body motions generally signal approachability, and friendliness. They tend to use less and more restrained gestures. Women are attracted to those who smile more. They tend to use facial expression a lot to send and receive messages. Women often tilt their head and body to the side more also. And of course their posture is more intense than males' are".
Paralanguage is how we say what we say. Research states that "paralanguage includes grunt, groans,
Verbal Communication Reflection
The seminar that I lead strived to provide an overview of the role of verbal communication (Chapter 3). Overall, I think that my seminar progressed very well. The seminar consisted of a handout that outlined all the key chapter aspects followed by a deep, thought provoking discussion of relevant concepts. Through discussion, my group members were able to relate to the examples provided as well as expand further and suggest examples from their own experiences. Generally, I think that my handout was very effective during my seminar. My group members were easily able to navigate through most of the concepts that were discussed within the chapter. Key terms were clearly explained with definitions and examples. However, some concepts were confusing for my group members and required further discussion for better understanding. Some of these concepts included Ebonics, disconfirming communication, confirming communication and the influence of gender on verbal communication. If I were to do my seminar again I would contribute more time to expanding on these concepts, as well as provide a more in–depth explanation on my seminar handout. Additionally, another aspect that I would improve on would be my activity. Although my activity helped to explain and clarify the 7 functions of language, if I was able to repeat the activity, I would focus on creating an activity that integrated other key concepts from Chapter 3 such as supportive and defensive communication and the components of
Eye Contact And Nonverbal Communication
Eye Contact in Nonverbal Communication Another important aspect of nonverbal communication process is eye contact. In America, eye contact is very important but it is different in some cultures and countries. For example, Muslims often lower their graze and try to not focus on the opposite sex features except for the hands and face. In fact, lustful glances to those of the opposite sex is prohibited in their cultural. In addition, the Japanese culture view eye contact differently. According to (SITE), Japanese children are taught in school to direct their gaze at the region of their teachers Adams apple or the tie kot. As adults, the Japanese culture lower their eyes when speaking to a superior as a gesture or respect. On the contrary, in America, teachers prefer students to engage in eye contact because it indicates that they are alert and following along to their lecture or peers. According to (SITE), a study conducted in Germany which infants were examine during their first 12 weeks of life. The researchers studied the relationship between eye contact among the infants. After watching the videos, the researchers measured the mutual eye contact between the mother and the infant by looking at the overlap in time when the mothers looked at their infant's face. In addition, the study found that the amount of eye contact between the mothers and infants increased over the first 12 weeks. The mother who held eye contact with her child during four weeks was described as
Verbal And Written Communication
People use different methods to communicate. Effective communication involves reading, writing and speaking altogether. Verbal and written communication plays a key role in the process of information exchange. Any form of communication that works the same way and has similar importance. Speaking falls under verbal communication. Written communication is in nonverbal communication. People can communicate effectively through written communication, as well as in word.
Why is it important?
Written words are more credible than the spoken words. They are more valuable every time the letter. Validity of spoken words only when they say unless they have been registered. Develop high–level credibility if people can create messages written in a clear, more content...
It will often be able to use the titles of the main sections of the headings and subheadings in the text, as they help the reader navigate through the room. However, although the titles of the sections are unwanted in the finished piece, always help you to structure your desired author writing.
Two examples of common structures for writing different types of communication are provided below. There are many variations of these frameworks and other frameworks for different purposes, but has received a framework to follow, to be used instead. Whatever structure you choose for your writing, first he begins to flesh out, as notes, section titles with the main points to be included.
Examples of structures:
1. A written report
The reports are always presented in sections and subsections, as they contain a lot of information that is organized in a way that makes sense to the reader.
Items are numbered and often extensive reports should include a cover page and a table of contents that lists the section headings and subheadings, preferably with page numbers.
Structure Example:
Title page
Page Content
List of Figures
Non Verbal Communication Essay
Communication is a complex activity which involve verbal and non–verbal communication, the topic under discussion, the prejudgments that people bring to the topic, and the "communication history" between participants in the discussion. A Speaker who transmits message must ensure that the message is delivered clearly. A listener who takes the messages must be an active listener. As effective communication can only take place when the recipient of the message understands it's meaning and able to express that meaning back to the speaker or sender of the message. (Flexstudycom.2015).
2.1 Types of Communication People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent. There are basically 2 categories of communication channel:
Verbal Communication
Non–verbal Communication
2.1.1 Verbal communication refer to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally. The main idea of verbal communication is to keep everything "KISS" (keep it short and simple). And it can further divide into Oral Communication and Written Communication.
2.1.2 Non–verbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. With the body people communicate a wide variety of message through gestures, facial expressions, eye movements and touching behavior. Sometimes non–verbal communication response contradicts verbal communication and hence the affect the effectiveness of message.These non–verbal means