Outline For Body Paragraph Essay

Body paragraphs– 400 words approximately 2 body paragraphs TOPIC SENTENCE– address your main point. what am i going to be talking about? needs to be clear and incorporate references. Address the one main point within the paragraph. no more than one main point. Each paragraph is built around one main idea. One of your body paragraphs will be a reason why you think the way you do.
Bio Final Outline

Final Report Part 1 – Outline
Directions: For Part 1, you are required to write a complete introductory paragraph using the outline below. For the second, third, and fourth paragraphs, you need to write complete sentences that show the basic outline for the essay. By completing this outline, you will have a guide to refer to when finalizing your report in Parts 2–4.
Introductory Paragraph (Identify the thesis statement and write a complete paragraph explaining the topic in general.)
Thesis Sentence: By using non–renewable resources mankind is putting a strain on the earth and causing global warming. Paragraph: Do you know the difference between a non– renewable resource and a renewable resource? A non– renewable resource is a...show more content...
If the consumption continues at the current rate it is being consumed now it could be sooner like ten to fifthteen years. (Non Renewable Resources, 2015)
Paragraph 3: Opposition (To present a fair argument you need to research and outline some of the common positions that dispute your position (i.e. if you are for chocolate for your position, here you would be writing why chocolate is bad). Write a topic sentence that supports your thesis and provides a transition between the paragraphs. Then, record at least three details that provide support for the topic sentence.)
Topic Sentence: Renewable resources have advantages and well as disadvantages.
Detail A: When using renewable resources energy it is very difficult to generate large quantity of electricity or fossil fuel. If the earth were to constantly rely on renewable energy, humans would have to cut back on the amount of usage. Detail B: Many of the renewable resources rely on the weather to make power. Solars need clear skies and no rain to collect heat. In order to have a constant water supply an entire dam would have to be filled. Wind turbines need the wind to constantly to keep moving. Detail C: The weather can be very unpredictable and inconsistent, if there is no wind, sun, or rain for a extended amount of days it would be impossible to make the resources needed that are currently being using in such large consumption. Paragraph 4: Rebuttal (In the final
Write An Essay About You As A Writer

It is the end of this high school year and I am glad to say that I accomplished many things. The idea of doing a blog was a very successful one, given that I was able to write about what i like and improve my writing skills. Therefore, I believe that throughout this year I was able to grow as a writer, express myself better, and expand my knowledge. In addition to my English class, I was also able to improve my skills in others subjects such as history and theology, in which I had to write a few paragraphs, but mostly I had to read a lot which definitely expanded my knowledge and improved my vocabulary. That said, since I was required to write about different subjects, I also had to improve research skills and my creativity when writing about personal opinions. Overall, being able to write not only English related papers made me abroad my thoughts and enhance my writing skills. In the same way, my English papers and blog entries also helped me to become a better writer. I was very found of my blog posts, not only because it was a reflection on my life but also because of the effort that I put in it. I procrastinated way less this last quarter by making...show more content...
I am sure that I have improved a lot my writing and reading skills. However, I still have to exceed on how to organize my thoughts and making better word choice. With that in mind, I'll always be looking for new ways, such as reading, that will make me a better writer. However, I'm glad to say that from the beginning of the year until now I outdid myself with significant progress. All that said, I have the goal to keep on writing during the summer so that I can practice the skills that I learned. Thus, this year was very important in making me a more insightful person, and a better writer. For that reason, I hope to keep myself motivated so that I can learn more and more and continue to express myself through my
Thesis Statement Outline

Name__________________________________________________ Date____________________ Period_______
Directions: Complete the Paragraph Outline to organize your thoughts in order to be prepared to write an argumentative paragraph responding to the question, "Does religion unite or divide people?"
Thesis Statement:
Step 1: Does religion unit or divide people? UNITES DIVIDES
Step 2: What reasoning do you have?
Reason 1: _______________________
Reason 2: _______________________
Reason 3: _______________________
Possible sentence stems: Religion can unite or divide people, but in the case of Islam, it _______ people because it ___________, __________,
5 Paragraph Essay Outline

Throughout all of high school, students are taught to write papers following the outline of a five–paragraph essay. The five–paragraph essay is a format of essay having five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with support and development, and one concluding paragraph. This basic structure has proven to be effective for many students however the format itself has been accused of being "rigid and arbitrary" as well as being accused of valuing mechanical organizational schemes rather than in depth thinking. (1) Is the five–paragraph essay as flawed as some people make it out to be? A five paragraph essay breaks down like this: The first paragraph contains a one sentence (or maybe a two sentence) thesis statement, which
Examples Of Transition Outline

1. Transition into the classroom in the morning When I say go: Silently and, Independently Put your backpack and coats into your locker. Bring your homework folder into class And grab breakfast Take 3 minutes Go Positive Narration: ______ put up his backpack _____ is silently grabbing breakfast _____ has her homework folder 2. Transition from seats back to the carpet When I call your table group: Silently and, Independently Stand up Push your chair in Walk to the next open seat on the carpet Sit ready ________'s group Positive Narration ________ is silently standing up ________ sat in the next open seat on the carpet ________ is silently sitting ready 3. Transition
Paragraph Essay

Five Paragraph Essay Outline
Teachers can use these steps to teach students how to write a great five paragraph essay by using outlines and properly organizing thoughts, topics, and details.
These directions are written for students to follow when choosing a topic, creating a basic outline, and writing the essay.
Read more: http://www.brighthub.com/education/k–12/articles/2999.aspx#ixzz0lQaL6vBg
Step 1 – Choose a Good Topic
When writing an essay, it is important to choose a topic that is not too broad. For example, do not write about football. Choose something more specific, like football drills, the greatest football team, football equipment, football practice, etc.
It is important that you can think of three main ideas that...show more content...
Do not give any new information in this section.
It is important to write a rough draft to share with a friend or parent to edit. When editing, ask someone to check that you stayed on topic and used proper writing conventions, such as good spelling, usage, mechanics and grammar.
Last, you want to write a final copy. This should be error free. It can be written in pen or typed. Most teachers like a typed copy; however, neatly written essays in pen are acceptable as well. Teachers generally grade an essay on the following criteria: interesting content, organization and writing conventions.
Writing a good five paragraph essay can take some time. Do not wait until the last minute and make sure to have someone edit it before you turn in the final copy to your teacher.
Read more: http://www.brighthub.com/education/k–12/articles/2999.aspx#ixzz0lQaPl8km
How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step
Argumentative essays intimidate lots of students because of the structure an instructor expects. Instructors will expect well–written, tightly–argued essays, but that doesn't mean the paper needs to be twenty pages long or should refer to a dozen or more sources. What it does mean, however, is that a student takes a stand on an issue, presents his side of the argument while refuting his opposition, and also integrates outside sources that help support his point of view.
Argument Outline

Outline Of Argument Assignment 1.) Talk about advertising in general (introduction paragraph). 2.) Talk about a specific event where advertising has effected me. (Annabell) 3.) Talk about how I want to go to college and study marketing which goes hand in hand with advertising. 4.) Talk about how I am apart of the cult and have realized it but know that I won't stop or at least try to stop (Conclusion
Essay Outline Practice

Making an Outline
A Plan That Builds an Essay ay s
–––– –––– ––––––– –––––
The Benefits of an Outline
An outline of an essay:
helps make your essay more organized
A careful plan will help your body paragraphs stay focused on the ideas in your thesis statement.
saves time for writers
Preparing an outline can take time, but you will be able to write the rough draft of your essay more quickly
Outline format
Essay Outline
Thesis: _____________________
Body Paragraph #1– Topic Sentence: _____________
A. supporting idea reasons, examples
B. supporting idea reasons, examples
Body Paragraph #2– Topic Sentence: ____________
A. supporting idea reasons, examples
B. supporting idea
reasons,...show more content...
Introduction– Thesis Statement: A job interview can often make or break your chances of getting your dream job. There are several things that you can do in an interview to increase the possibility of your success such as dressing properly, answering interview questions thoroughly, and asking good questions at the end of the interview.
Body Paragraph #1:
Topic Sentence: The way you dress can have a big impact on an interview panel's first impressions of you.
A. Conservative dress like dark suits will show the interview panel you
A. Ask interviewers to repeat questions you don't understand.
B. Take some time to think about the questions before you answer.
C. A notebook to write down key words in interview questions is sometimes helpful. IV.
Topic Sentence: By preparing some thoughtful questions for the end of the interview, you can show the panel that you have prepared for the interview and want the job.
A. Research the job and/or company before you go to the interview.
are serious about what you do.
B. Carrying too many things may show you are lousy or unorganized. A notebook, pens, and/or laptop are appreciated. B. The interview is your opportunity to get to know your potential employer.
Ask questions about company goals, mission, expectations of employees, etc. D. Poor grooming may make them think you are untidy. Hair and nails should be clean and neat.
C. Don't ask questions about benefits or salary during
Outline And Outline Of A Thesis Essay

1. Thesis: I think your thesis is strong and obvious throughout your paper. So I don't think that will be something you need to change dramatically. Instead, I think the main thing you should focus on for Draft 2 is organizing your paper so it is all supporting information for your thesis. In both your background and analysis section, ask yourself whether the information is there to support your thesis or whether it a secondary point. If it is a secondary point, then I probably wouldn't include it.
2. Organization: I would encourage you to try and increase your use of both umbrella paragraphs and topic/thesis sentences. Generally, at the beginning of each section or subsection, you should have an umbrella/roadmap paragraph to explain what is to come. That way a reader really understanding where you are going and how things fit together. Same with topic/thesis sentences. From a structural point of view, your background may end up being a bit long. You want your background to be shorter than your analysis section. At your current fourteen pages, you may want to watch out for the background section overshadowing the analysis section. I think there is some room to cut, but you are going to have to figure out what it ends up being important to your thesis, and what is noise that is only related to your thesis.
3. Background: I think you are off to a good start with your background section. I would consider providing more organization or context for the section on the PLCAA. As

Five–Paragraph Essay Outline
Thesis Statement: Who was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet? In the story of Romeo & Juliet, many people shared responsibility forthe ultimate demise of the main characters._________________________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence: A large deal of the reason of the couple's death was due to the Montague and Capulet families.______________________________________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: There was a long–lasting feud between the Montague and Capulet families...___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: Romeo and...show more content...
Friar Lawrence agreed to marry them because he thought the "alliance may so happy prove/to turn your households' rancour into pure love" (put an end to their feud)_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: Friar tried to help Romeo and Juliet reunite when Romeo was banished and fled to Mantua by having Juliet use a potion to fake her death. _________________________________
(Supporting detail:) He continued to make matters worse by lying to Lord Capulet in order to help Juliet fake her own death.
Five Paragraph Essay Outline

Five Paragraph Essay Outline Directions: Use this graphic organizer to help you complete a basic five–paragraph essay outline using the PEEL paragraph structure. Write one complete sentence, and ONLY ONE complete sentence for item marked with an*. Limit yourself to 3–4 words for each line of evidence and explanation. Introductory Paragraph Intro How did women's work change? Before world war 2 women had been stereotyped to only be stay at home moms and take care of their home and their kids,but unfortunately it wasn't actually much of a stratotype for the majority of women it was true. But then world war 2 started and women started getting all sorts of different jobs working in the factories to make warfare,women even were in the air force
Climate Change, An Outline Essay

Climate Change
1) What is climate change?
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
3) Causes of climate change
4) Effects of climate change?
5) International Panels on Climate Change
6) What can be done at home?
1) What is climate change?
Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand the...show more content...
Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.
2) Human Activities
A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions.
B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees
Definition Paragraphs Essay

Definition Paragraph Calling my friends messy would be an understatement. My friends: Tony, Adrian, and Erick, all have filthy rooms; therefore they are filthy. First, Tony, being the least sloppy of the three, tends to leave his dirty clothes all over his room. Usually both his floor and bed are submerged in used garments. Second, Adrian, also is not the cleanest person. I have convinced myself that he does not know how to wash dishes, so he lets them stack to the ceiling hoping one day they will disappear. Lastly, Erick, takes the prize for being the most slovenly. He usually has both plates and dirty clothes blanketing his room, along with collection of soda cans and potato chip bags. Finally, it is now known that some of my friends are
Intro Paragraph Outline

Intro paragraph: Attention getter/interesting fact: Main idea/overall point of essay: First idea/first reason simplified: Second idea/second reason simplified: Third idea/third reason simplified: Transition sentence (lead into first idea): Body 1 Paragraph: Main idea/reason: For example, in... (use a quote from your reading material) Also, in... use a quote from your reading material) (This is because...): (This is also because...): As a result of the Civil War being a war of freedom, (combine your this is because sentence ideas here..) Body 2 Paragraph: Main idea/reason: For example, in... (use a quote from your reading material) Also, in... use a quote from your reading material) (This is because...): (This is also because...):
My Research Paper Outline

Writing an outline for my research paper is the most important subject that I learned throughout the entire course. Why do I need an outline in my research paper? When I conducted my research, I collected a lot of information and ideas. A research outline help me organized my thoughts better. I understood the flow and levels of information in my research. I ensured that I didn't missed anything while writing. I prepared a well–structured neatly organized manuscript. So preparing an outline for my paper helped me write it better and faster. I also learned how to structure of a research paper. Research writing goes through a general specific general format. In the introduction on my paper, I started off with a general statement, compiled references
Topic Sentence Outline

Analyze a Paragraph's Topic Sentence and Support For this assignment I decided to choose a topic about future technology, or better put, technology that will be expanded upon in the near future. Electric cars, especially Tesla models, have always intrigued me for many reasons. So while looking over articles I found this one on electric cars specifically, the Tesla Model X SUV, and road trips. In the authors topic sentence he is reminiscing about a road trip he had in college and he sounds pretty enthusiastic. The writer uses a lot of detail to support his argument that electric cars are suitable vehicles for road trips with proper planning for re–energizing the cars battery. He also explains that those times in recharging actually make the
Formal Sentence Outline

For your formal draft, compose a formal sentence outline. All sub–headings (A, B, & C) on your formal outline will follow the same format for sub–headings on the working outline and may include more headings than the ones that I have listed. If you feel that your opponents' arguments are stronger than your own, then you will want to swap the ideas in Headings II and III in order to leave your reader with the final thoughts of the analysis of your own arguments.
Process for Writing the Paper:
Compose your outline from your annotated bibliography, alternating your sources in each paragraph. (Three different sources per paragraph: one expert opinion; one story of someone suffering from this issue; and one statistic per paragraph) (Remember to include the...show more content...
Include Author's name with every change from one source to another source for all material quoted, summarized, or paraphrased and the page number in parenthesis in order to prevent plagiarism.
Do not include the following:
First or Second Person (for example I, me, we, my, our, ours, you, your, yours, etc)
Contractions (for example won't, can't, haven't, etc.)
There is or there are, which are considered fillers that take up space
"Slang" – Review Diana Hacker's "Use of Academic Language" if in doubt.
Turning in Your Paper in Your Electronic Research Portfolio: All Documents as you progress as noted throughout the assignment should be saved to your USB drive to a folder titled YOUR NAME and RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. If you need help with this, please ask me for help.
The Following should be included:
Electronic Peer reviews (if assigned)
Writing center visit reviews
Rough drafts
Word Processed Outlines for "Comparison Contrast", "Cause and Effect", "Argumentation" (40–Model Essays), and "Writing Papers in MLA Style" (Rules for Writers)
A copy of the assignment and grade sheet on top
Your Paper to Include the
Paragraph Outline

Outline Paragraph one. Describe what a chemical engineer does around, and outside of work. Use the definition form class with a twist. Briefly detail the intangible characteristics a chemical engineer must obtain. Paragraph two. Overview the factors leading to my initial interest in chemistry. Clarify that I initially wanted to be a physicist. Mention the professor who presented the material in a fascinating way; changing everything. Furthermore, list the interesting captivating phenomenon that ultimately lead to my appreciation of chemistry. Paragraph three. Paint a picture of how my interest in chemistry began to grow at an exponential rate. Indicate the factor that drew me away form a physics degree; being I am not interested
Outline Of A Thesis Statement

THESIS STATEMENT: Individuals who are found guilty of vehicular manslaughter should be sentenced to a minimum of ten years in prison
I: Introduction
i. Definition of vehicular manslaughter ii. Causes of vehicular manslaughter iii. Sentences for various charges if found guilty
II: Body
i. The punishments for vehicular homicide according to different states ii. Common penalties if found guilty iii. Why these penalties are not sufficient enough iv. Arguments against justifiable homicide
v. Why vehicle manslaughter victims get few years in prison vi. the problem of issuing a less stiff sentence to the offenders vii. Opposing arguments against the thesis statement viii. weighing between preventive measures and strict laws in solving the problem of vehicular homicide
III: Conclusion
i. Restatement of the thesis statement ii. Concluding remarks on why we need to issue more than ten years of sentences to offenders of vehicular manslaughter
Individuals who are found guilty of vehicular manslaughter should serve not less than ten years in jail
Vehicular homicide is an offense that, in general, encompasses the death of a person other than the driver due to criminal, recklessness or deadly operation of a vehicle. When the vehicular homicide is unintentional, one is convicted of vehicular manslaughter or reckless assault. Vehicular manslaughter occurs when a person carelessly causes the death of another individual using of any kind of motor