Internet Ethics Essay
Internet Ethics
Abstract: This paper takes a look at basic ethics in relation to the Internet. By tracing the development of the Internet, it identifies perils of the World Wide Web and their moral significance to a culture trying to move successfully into the twenty–first century.
As scientists travel into the future, they are lead by ambition, imagination, and genius. In their quest to find uses for their rapidly expanding knowledge they often leave behind their morals. Failing to carefully consider the possible paths their research will follow, scientist often find that they have gone too far with out realizing it. Their creations exceed their expectations. When faced with this situation it is up to the more content...
This theory is entitled the "Slippery Slope". It is used to explain the downfall of certain fields of science and help their inventors know when to draw the line between good and bad science. An example illustrating this concept involves the Human Genome Project. When scientists discovered that they were able to read genetic codes recognizing an individual's traits and determining their disorders they were amazed. Their work and focus on the project led to their ability to alter these codes thus changing one's traits and disorders. The ethical question is whether this gene therapy should be allowed. At the top of the slope is the possibility of eliminating diseases such as cystic fibrosis while at the bottom of the slope lies the possibility of altering future humans. When examining who should have access to the results, parents planning a family sit at the top of the slope while insurance companies who would cancel the policies of sick patients rest at the bottom. Each aspect of the issue has it's ups and downs, benefits and repercussions which are more easily understood on the "Slippery Slope". Knowing where to draw the line between good and bad technology is sometimes the most difficult decision a scientist must make.
As the world plunges into the twenty first century, new issues and technology face it daily. It is currently in the midst of the information age, a time when computers
Persuasive Essay On Internet Safety
Children have access to everything these days, and the internet isn't always the safest place when a child is exposed to technology at such a young age. When technology is being introduced to children, it worries parents about how safe their child is while using the internet. The absolute best kind of control over the internet is the kind that teaches children to use it responsibly. Internet safety is a tremendous problem for children, teens, and even adults these days.
Children have a widespread of access to electronic use, however, is it safe? On the island, in Lord of the Fies, the boy's are not limited to where they can and can not go, or who they can or can't speak with. In chapter five, Ralph says, "All this I meant to say. Now I've said it. You voted me for chief. Now you do what I say" (58). This evidence shows that on an island without parents, they will have the freedom to do anything, and elect a leader that wouldn't be the best fit for this role. Similarly, on the internet, kids can talk to who ever they want for however long they want, without constantly being monitored. When children are alone without parents, they could be easily manipulated. For example in Lord of the Flies, in chapter 11 Ralph said, "You're a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!" (187). This is an example of how manipulative Jack was to the rest of the boys. Meaning that without an adult rational, such as Piggy present, everything could go wrong. This situation could also happen
Teenagers And Teen Internet Safety
It 's all over the news daily, monthly and yearly giving you the undoubted impression that the Internet is a haven for cyber bullies, sexual predators, and identity thieves. You are concerned because your teenager is often online and seems oblivious to the dangers.
Don 't panic. You can teach your teenager Internet safety. First, though, consider some things you should know about life online.
Teens can access the Internet on mobile devices. The rule that the computer should be placed in a common area of the house still has merit. But with a tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet, your teenager may have more access to the online world than ever––and without your supervision.
Some teens spend excessive time online. "I turn on the computer intending to check my e–mail for five minutes and end up watching videos for hours.
Teens might reveal online more than they should. Shady people can piece together a teenager 's online comments and photos to find out such information as where he or she lives and goes to school and at what times no one in the family will be at home.
Some teens do not understand the repercussions of what they post. What is posted online stays online. Sometimes embarrassing comments and photos are discovered later––for example, by a prospective employer doing a background check on a job applicant.
Despite such concerns, remember this: The Internet is not your enemy.
Rather, what leads to trouble is unwise
Persuasive Essay On Internet Safety
As of late, Internet security has turned into a developing worry among guardians whose kids utilize and depend on the Internet once a day. Ninety–three percent of youngsters ages 12 to17 are online all the time. Guardians might possibly be comfortable with the potential online perils that youngsters are given each day (Duerager, 2012). It is imperative to express to one's tyke that the Internet can be an exceptionally accommodating device, however can likewise be extremely unsafe. Research demonstrates that centre school matured kids are at most elevated hazard for Internet risk, as they're most ready to share individual and private data online with other group individuals (Duerager, 2012). The following paper discusses the importance of teaching Internet safety to the school–aged children.
School–age youngsters like going on the web to take a gander at recordings or play diversions. They may likewise be utilizing the web for schoolwork and homework. They can do this utilizing PCs, cell phones, tablets, TVs and different gadgets (Holloway, 2013). Since school–age youngsters are beginning to be free on the web and may run online unsupervised with more seasoned kids, there are more web dangers for them than there are for more youthful kids. There are specific dangers if your kid utilizes the web to speak with others for instance, via web–based networking media or inside diversions.
Internet Risks for The children
Content Risks
School going children may
Have you ever gotten bullied through the internet, or felt unsafe? The internet is a platform where many people can post things such as videos, pictures, etc. People can also view the things other people post. The internet is a fun and entertaining place. It has many social platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. Although the internet is very entertaining, it's also a very dangerous platform where people can cyberbully you, stalk you, and scam you. You should be careful about the stuff you post online and tell people. Sometimes people can make fun you through social media, online games, etc. You should think twice about the stuff you post online because once it's posted it's there forever, even if you delete it. Internet Safety for Kids and Young Adults by Jeff Sechler states 'Everything spreads like a wildfire, you will never know what will happen, so you better be safe than sorry. If you don't want your feelings hurt then you shouldn't tell you friends everything. You shouldn't tell your friends everything because the word gets out quick. In Jeff Sechler's book, Internet Safety for Kids and Young Adults he states, 'You can never tell whether or not someone is going to tell your classified information, so you shouldn't go around telling everyone personal things that you wouldn't want anyone else to know but yourself.' There is something called peer pressure. Peer pressure is when someone pressures you into doing something that you don't really want to do. Peer pressure can make you do things you're not proud of. Jeff Sechler, the author of Internet Safety for Kids and Young Adults, he states '72% of kids get peer pressured in middle school and 85% of kids get peer pressured in high school.' Which shows that many kids have experienced peer pressure, so you're not alone; it's normal. In Jeff Sechler's book, Internet Safety for Kids and Young Adults he states, 'Unfortunately, most cases of cyberbullying fly under the radar. The victims are usually too afraid to mention anything about it because they were either threatened by the aggressor or feel to embarrassed about it happening in the first place.' Jeff Sechler also states, 'Kids at home are afraid to tell their parents
Dangers of the Internet Essay
Dangers of the Internet
There are many pitfalls and perils on the Internet. Some of them are easy to avoid while other are not so obvious. Some of the Pitfalls and perils are annoying, while others are deadly to your computer. Still others are humorous and entertaining. There are many dangers on the Internet. This paper will try to cover some of them.
The biggest dangers of the Internet are virus. Viruses are small programs that "infect" computers. Most viruses are made to "steal" and or "destroy" data stored on the infected computer. Viruses, that destroy data, write their code into a file and when that file is accessed it rewrites itself in to more files until the virus corrupters or "infects" a file that the computer needs to more content...
E–mailed Viruses are harder to avoid. Opening an attached file can trigger them or by touching the message that contains the attached file and then the file menu bar of the E–mail program. (Email Hole Exposes Computers) The seconded way to start a virus is because of a hole in Netscape's mail program and also MS's Outlook. A new way for Viruses to be spread by E–mail is to put the whole code for the virus in the subject line that way when the computer read the subject line it unwittingly activated the virus. The newest way for people to get viruses is through the web pages. This is done by putting the virus code into a script on the web page, now when the page is accessed the viruses executes the viruses code. (Virus Thrives on HTML) This can make a virus very prolific if a lot of people visit the web page.
Crackers use viruses for their destructive ways. Crackers are people who go out of their way to cause damage to other peoples systems through the use of viruses and direct hacking. Crackers are not hackers. Calling a Cracker a hacker is like comparing a red delicious apple to a golden delicious apple. Hackers are computer enthuses that hack, break in to, systems in order to learn about the system. Hackers as a rule do not do any damage to the system. Crackers are the ones to give hackers bad repartitions. Crackers use virus
All adults working with children need to be aware of the increasing risks to children from being online and from the use of mobile phones. E–safety is gaining a higher profile as technology advances and schools are now require to have more policies and guidelines in place for staff, parents and children. Children and parents may also be required to sign an Internet Safety arrangement to show that they have discussed Internet Safety and agree with the school's policy for safe Internet use. However, it is highly likely they will also use the Internet at home and they should be aware of the risks and possible consequences of using different technologies. This will also usually be discussed in school as part of children's ICT lessons.
Social Networking Sites: The tragic case of Ashleigh Hall's murder in 2009 after befriending her attacker on a social networking site has led to a heightened public awareness of the dangers of the Internet and in particular social networking sites. Children should be reminded no to put personal such as telephone numbers, photographs or email addresses online. They should also limit other information such as school name, clubs they attend, where they meet up etc, as this kind of information can be easily pieced together to gain an insight into their lives. Children may not have considered that by putting their personal information online it also becomes accessible to individuals other than their friends. Social networking sites can be easily
The Education On Internet Safety
Our kids experience a very particular way to explore our world today, and this comes down to advancements in technology and internet. Many parents would have had an entirely different childhood where discipline was much more strictly used by their own mother and father, something that is very hard to find for today's parents, Thanks to the unlimited amount of information and a path to a wide field of material that is available at just the click of a mouse or press of a button. Now that we are living in a digital world and there are many positive elements for sure, but there are also issues that parents can rightly be concerned about. For what their children are finding online without being aware. Dangers are around every corner on the internet, from inappropriate websites to cyber bullying, staying informed and up to date on what children may have access to online is something that can end up being unavoidable. Education on internet safety is as an important part of what children needs to know as technology continues evolves. The internet also opens up many paths into aiding our children. Through the use of the internet, information is available all around children. With new technology there are my precautions one can take to allows their children to receive the most educational use of the internet. Is the internet helping our children? Or is it downward spiral towards disaster?
People wonder how this new technology is making kids smarter. Obviously, the computer and the
Persuasive Essay On Internet Safety
The three pieces are focused on internet safety and how/ should we make the internet a safer place for our younger generation. They are all begging the question what is the balance between unnecessary restriction and the safety of the most venerable members of our society through ideas of internet addiction suicide and, feelings of fear and despair but to resolve it with solutions The writer of this article (Stephen Balkan published on Friday the 15th of august 2014) outlines arguments made by various acclaimed members of society such as the education advisor Anthony smythe. Balkam used smythe to convey idea that the internet "is a lawless jungle too dangerous for children to use" balkam uses this quote to make the audience feel fear and to give those invested a fresh look on the internet. She then says that his depiction of the internet is a "bleak and somewhat anarchic depiction" balkam then says that his views are aligned this way because of some "high–profile cases of teenagers taking their own lives" smythe then goes on to say that we need tighter legislation around the internet. Balkam furthers this argument with ideas from the non–profit FOSI (Family Online Safety Institute) though in specifying that the institute is non–profit the author is saying that this is selfless institute that we should listen to and makes the audience feel more obliged to take their opinion into hand. The FOFI says that "they welcome any efforts to tackle difficult and complex issues" the
Essay about Internet Privacy and Security
Technology is great in so many ways. It has provided us with more communication access, access to knowledge at our finger tips, and so much more. Technology has overall made life easier, but maybe too easy, and has made things a lot less private. This results in us having to be extra careful with security on the internet. Internet security is important to protect our privacy, protect us from fraud, and from viruses that could destroy a piece of our technology. Internet privacy and security may be different but share a responsibility, but it is up to us to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves on the internet. We should pick unique, carful passwords, and never share this sensitive information, and encrypt our data when more content...
Privacy and Security are both equally important, to internet use.
Did you know that from 2005–2009 the internet scams rose from 100,000 per year to nearly 300, 000 per year (Internet Scam Statistics). From 2010– 2012 it continues to rise beyond 350,000 per year, with a monetary loss of over $300 million per year.
The top 5 internet scams per (Info–graphic Highlights) with the most complaints:
1. 14.4 % – Identity theft
2. 13.2% – FBI–related scams
3. 9.8% – Miscellaneous fraud
4. 9.1% – Advance fee fraud
5. 8.6% – Spam
Men report 25% higher monetary losses related to internet spam then females. 60 years old or older group reported the most monetary loss than any other group. (Info–graphic Highlights).
Also (Internet Scam Statistics) reports that the 3 most common locations for internet scams are:
1. 65.9% – United States
2. 10.4 % – United Kingdom
3. 3.1% – China
Security issues with wireless technology also continues to rise, 50% of smartphones were returned even though all of them contained owner contact information, and 75% of smartphones owners do not password protect their phones (2012 Info–graphic Highlights).
These statistics above only prove the importance of security on the internet. We all have to do our part in protecting ourselves when online. Privacy and security on the internet are both supported by our ability to protect our own personal information when
Online Safety
What is online safety? Why is online so important? How could we live without things that connect us online for example smartphones, personal computers, and laptops? After all that is way connect to our friends, family and teachers. There are many million of sites to visit, some offer important information, and others waste time and could even get you trouble
Internet Safety Essay
First of all the term Internet can be defined as the worldwide system of computer networks in which every user of computer can have an access to the information with the permission to the access from other computers. (, 2011) It is a modern tool for communication, exchanging the information, e–mail, pictures, video and music. The creation of the Internet was crucial for human being because it joined all types of telecommunication such as telephone, radio and television into one and also created new types of communication such as online text messages, video chatting and location detection that allows finding the current place of the user. The information on the Internet is added by Internet more content...
Livingstone (2009) claims that according to researches which were held in several countries, the significant number of children had used the Internet. For instance, in the UK 98 per cent of children aged from nine to nineteen had used the Internet. (Livingstone, 2009) In addition to this number Livingstone (2009) points out that 92 per cent of these children had an access to use the Internet at school, 75 per cent at home and 64 per cent anywhere else. As for the Europe countries researches were made with six and ten year olds, that is 77 per cent of Swedish, 88 per cent of Finnish, 57 per cent of Romanian, 56 per cent of German children of that age used the Internet. (Livingstone, 2009) The highest percentage of children using the Internet showed the United States of America as it was conducted in the work of Livingstone (2009) with 99 per cent usage among 12–18 year olds. Moreover 78 per cent of children aged between 2 and 17 years in this country had an opportunity to go online at home and only 13 per cent of young children had an access to the World Wide Web in their bedrooms. (Livingstone, 2009) Moreover the research promoted by London School of Economics (2010) was done with 23000 children in 23 countries during spring and summer school seasons. There was conducted that 12 per cent of children aged between 9–16 years reported that they were confused by the content that they saw on the
Digital Safety
PGE 2 Digital Safety and Ethical Use of Technology
Internet and digital safety is a field in which I have focused and developed exponentially over the last six years. As a high school media specialist, use of digital apps and tools has increased with every year, making instruction for ethical use and safety a must for the protection and welfare of teens. The evolution of my knowledge and teaching of digital safety began modestly in the fall of 2010 by meeting with freshman and parents at the open house during the week prior to the beginning of school. This served approximately one third of the freshman population, as attendance was optional. For the presentation I did a short PowerPoint about how to make sure students were not more content...
I have done a great deal of research and time pulling together information about the impact on bullying others online and through other digital means, such as but not limited to texting. Some research indicates that as many as one of every three teens have experienced bullying via digital web outlets ( I have spent much time gathering information and presenting it to students on the harmful effects of cyber bullying. I have posted visuals throughout the media center and on our webpage encouraging to students to think before they post on social media. I have used the acronym THINK (Before you post is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind) to promote awareness of ethical use of
Internet Safety and Young Children Essays
In today's times, it can be hard to know what you children may be doing on computer. It is sometimes upsetting and very scary to know that someone could be stalking your child without you or him ever knowing about it, until it's to late. There are programs out there that monitor your child's activities on the Internet. But where are they, how much do they cost and why aren't they advertised more? There are a couple precautions that you can take at home, without spending any money, to help safe guard your child.
Children like the Internet. They like the convenience, fun, and activities they can do on the Internet. But how safe are they really? It all depends on you and your child. When a child enters a more content...
So is it worth it? That is completely up to the individual.
I feel the best way to safeguard your child is to take simple precautions at home. First, treat the Internet as a family facility. Put the computer in a family room and take time to explore the Internet with your child. Also, make it very clear to your child what acceptable behavior on the Internet is. Set time limits for your child to access the Internet and monitor the web sites that they visit. The very best way to protect your child is to know what is going on with them. Talk to them and explain that they need to come to you and talk if they find themselves uncomfortable or frightened while on the Internet. This will be a sure way to let them know it is okay if they find a web site they are not sure of, that you won't get mad if they come to you for advice. There are some simple rules on; you can post these by your computer to remind your children of the rules.
1. I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parent's work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parent's permission.
2. I will tell my parents right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable.
3. I will never agree to get together with someone I "meet" online without first checking with my parents.
internet privacy is it safe Essay
Internet Privacy: Is the Internet Really Safe?
With every generation, they bring with them a new invention, to advance us both
technologically and scientifically, and thus make life better for us all. Technology, as defined in
the New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, is "the science of technical
processes in a wide, though related field of knowledge". Technology, then can be anything as long
as it helps us advance in some way. The technology of the 21st Century is the Internet or cyber
space. The Internet was invented in the late 1960s. Back then, the Department of Defense called it
ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency network) and it more content...
It is the new "place to be" where business can advance and
people can interact worldwide at the click of a mouse. This almost unlimited access to information
has revolutionarily changed the world. There are millions of Internet members worldwide and that
means it may be viewed by some as a very profitable arena. In any area where there is money
there are almost always criminals. The modern criminals of the world are behind computer
screens. Whether they appear to be credible individuals, corporations or organizations, that they
are constantly seeking and finding a quick way to make money and often by doing so they are
breaking ethical rules of society (even though it is hard to determine the ethics of the Internet).
One of these crimes is the violation of the privacy of others.
Many times previously I have logged on to the Internet and just like most people, I have
felt safe. After all, I am the only one viewing my mail or simply cruising the net. When I am
surfing the Internet I think I am the only one that knows where I have been and assume that no
one is tracking me. After all, the things I have just mentioned only happen in the movies, they are
"Enemy of the State" type of things, and could not possibly happen to you. Am I right? Wrong.
By holding this thought one is including themselves "in a large group of consumers,
E–Safety Essay
Introduction– E–Safety
E–safety or Electronic safety is about knowing the risks of technology and protecting yourself to feel safe when interacting with technology. It involves being protected from unsuitable materials and making sure that technology doesn't impact your life in a negative way severely. It also includes utilization of information securely. Another aspect of electronic safety is socializing with others safely. Some dangers of the Internet include phishing, spam, hacking, viruses, interaction with strangers, etc.
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is the use of technology to intentionally spread rumors or inappropriate content to harass or harm someone in an aggressive manner. A Cyber bully can be someone you more content...
In 2008 1 million kids claimed to be mistreated on Facebook. Research shows that kids start being unkind to others online in 2nd grade this is generally commenced by boys but by middle school girls become more likely to harass others. Some cases of cyber bullying include Amanda Todd and Tyler Clementi. Amanda was unknowingly posted inappropriate pictures of herself which led to her being mistreated and losing her respect. She began using drugs, she had major depression and she began harming herself. She tried to commit suicide by drinking bleach but her attempt failed, even though survived people constantly wrote messages saying that they hope she died and perhaps she should use a different kind of bleach this time. A year later she hung herself because it was too much for her to take. Cyber bullying is a major issue and so there are 45 laws about and related to cyber bullying to protect you online. In addition to that in 2012 teens created an app called Back off Bully or BoB, this app enables victims to type in their situation and get advise on how to protect themselves.
Phishing is process of acquiring personal information such as credit card details, usernames and passwords by masquerading as a trustworthy website. Phishing gets its name from the word fishing as the phishers hope that the victim "bites" the "bait" by clicking on a malicious link. There are three main types of phishing, which are: Spear phishing, Clone
Unit 2 Safe Internet Awareness
Safe internet access
Most reliable and up to date anti malware companies are:
1. MacAfee–
By far most reliable and able to provide very high quality of information about current viruses. For example, followed by link below, anti–malware customer can review all new viruses which is added to database;–intelligence/malware/ .
MacAfee also describe characteristics of threat, symptoms, methods of infection and detailed explanation how to remove virus.
2. Totalav–
Totalav provide various list of functions to protect workstation, also secures internet connection. Very popular due it's compatibility for different operating systems and devices. Windows, Mac
Internet Safety Essay
Internet Safety
Being safe on the web should be the number one priority for every internet user. Below are helpful tips which will help make your online interactions a bit safer. Note that the ultimate safety lies in using common sense in your online activities.
Email, IM & Chat Rooms Safety Tips
Be aware of e–mail scams and emails that might contain viruses or inappropriate content. Simply do not open emails from sources you do not know. Better yet delete such emails.
Instant messaging is the exchange of real–time messages from a contact list. In any such interactions limit the amount of personal information you share and with children, make sure their contact list are people you know and discourage them from adding strangers to their contact list.
Chat rooms are hang–out areas online where people interact about common interests. Beware that in such online hang–out areas there are people whose intentions are malicious and the less personal information you share the better protected you are online.
Smart Phone Safety
The Smart Phone is smart because it's basically a computer and as such any safety guidelines which are applied to a computer has to be applied to a smart phone too.
When installing apps on your phone make sure it is from a trusted source or company and that you have researched about the app online before installing it. A lot of personal information can be gathered by apps you use on your phone and installing an app which is not from a trusted source
Safe Online Prevention
These are some ways to be safe online. Austin, you should never say bad things online because you can get in trouble and you can't take it back. you should never meet anybody online because they might be a bad person. Danny, don't buy anything online without permission of your parents because it might be something bad. . don't use any information on where you live and what your phone number is because somebody could rob you. Austin, don't put scams on people because you could get in a lot of trouble with the police. people might not be who they say they are because they could sound like a nine year old kid but could be a really old person. Danny,
Essay about Internet Security
Internet Security
Security is crucial to any flourishing society such as the one in which we Americans live today. Imagine if there was no law enforcement in New York City. No one except criminals would dare to walk down the streets. People would live in fear every day. No one would work and no one could enjoy nature and the outdoors. We would all barricade ourselves indoors, only daring to venture outside into the dangerous world when we absolutely needed to. Everything would be different.
Thinking of the Internet as a society, or a global community, one can also apply this notion of the importance of security. Imagine if everyone had access to all the files on every individual's and every business's computers. more content...
Posing as a branch manager, he used the code to transfer $13 million from Security Pacific to his Swiss bank account" (Zviran & Haga, 163). Another major security breach happened when "German hackers penetrated military, government, and commercial computer systems... looking for military information that could be sold to the Soviet Union." As exemplified by these crimes, the Internet has security holes just as any country, including America, does. Whether big banks or our own government, criminals will always be trying to find ways to take advantage of people, companies, and countries... and where there's a will, there's a way.
What is satisfying to know is that these online criminals pay for their crimes just as anyone in real life pay for theirs. For example, an article at reports that a "17–year–old computer hacker responsible for denial–of–service attacks that crippled several Web sites... has been sentenced to eight months in a juvenile detention center" ( It is reassuring to know that special Internet police units are out to keep the Internet safe just as they do for our streets.
People love technology because we love convenience. Technology increases convenience. This is why ATM's are so popular and why electronic