Essay Outline on Music
Essay Outline
II. People do not choose to be influenced by music, as music is scientifically influential to the human brain.
Olteteanu, Ion. "The formative function of musical interactions within social identity." Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 3.1 (2011): 215+. Academic OneFile. Web. 17 Jan. 2013.
"We turn to music, we need it, because of its ability to move us, to induce feelings and moods, states of mind."
"Bures notes that the human brain is uniquely configured to process music, and that music processing prepares, stimulates, and organizes the brain in beneficial ways."
Munkittrick, David (2010), "Music as Speech: A First Amendment Category unto Itself," Federal Communications Law more content...
Web. 14 Jan. 2013.
"This Introduction provides an overview of how historians, in conversation with musicologists, seek to explain music and account for its prominence in the societies, movements and lives of the people they study.
Elias, Nelly, Dafna Lemish, and Natalia Khvorostianov. "Britney Spears Remained In Russia: Dynamics Of Musical Preferences In The Integration Of Immigrant Adolescents." Journal Of Ethnic & Migration Studies 37.1 (2011): 61–77.Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Jan. 2013.
"Many adolescents found consolation in late–1980s Russian rock music, as texts critical of the Soviet regime helped them express anger and frustration felt as they came of age in new, difficult and often hostile surroundings. It seems, therefore, that, for immigrant adolescents, different types of popular music not only serve as a marker of their evolving cultural identity but also as indicators of social and psychological adaptation."
Smick, Rebekah, and Lambert Zuidervaart. "A Different Tenor: Songs Of Love And Sorrow–Re–Engaging The Social Ethics Of Music." Toronto Journal Of Theology 27.1 (2011): 87–106. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.
"Though not argued like an essay, the article highlights significant themes about the relationship of music to ethics, including the innately social character of music, its possible effect on our behaviour, the potential social content of sound itself, the positive social effect of music's ambiguity, the need to
Outline For Disease Essay
Disease is based in fact and is objective, and is not based on the values of the day.
I. Argument for Position
1) A disease is not an illness, and the distinction between the two is very important.
a) A disease is defined as an unhealthy condition or a condition that affects the functioning of the body. For example, the flu, which causes fever, muscle aches, headache, fatigue, and other similar cold–like symptoms.
b) On the other hand, an illness is normative; it does not disrupt biological functions. At one time, it was thought that being left–handed was a disease, but this would have instead been an illness.
c) To name a new disease, you must have evidence that it is what is causing the patient's problems. To simply scramble together all the symptoms one is experiencing into one large amalgamation with more content...
1) Disease is when one deviates from the norm, and is based on our values of the time.
a) One should aspire to be an ideal person. We judge what is significant and insignificant in terms of health, which is determined by our values (Englehardt 234).
b) Our values are relatively constant, and do not change as much as people think. We often say one thing, but one the inside, many do not believe what they are saying.
2) An example of a disease would be masturbation. It causes a multitude of symptoms, and can even cause death.
a) Commonly in medicine, several symptoms are grouped together into a disease. One of these examples is masturbation. Some of its symptoms include epilepsy, loss of hearing, and physical changes in the genitalia, and the loss of seminal fluid exaggerates these symptoms, as one ounce of the fluid is equal to forty ounces of blood (Englehardt 236).
b) There were treatments for the disease, such as a change in diet, exercise, and acupuncture, among others (245). They worked as in the example of the doctor, who had chosen to be castrated because his addiction to masturbation had kept him from the outside world for seven
Climate Change, An Outline Essay
Climate Change
1) What is climate change?
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
3) Causes of climate change
4) Effects of climate change?
5) International Panels on Climate Change
6) What can be done at home?
1) What is climate change?
Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand more content...
Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.
2) Human Activities
A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions.
B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees
Stress topic outline
INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Hunter Schauer Due: April 12, 2013
Informative Outline Topic: Stress General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience different types of stress and the different ways people cope with it. Thesis: From work stress to the stress of grieving there are different types of stress and different ways to cope with it. I. Introduction : Have you ever wanted to pull your hair out or just yell at someone because you have a lot of pressure on you? This is called stress.
A. Reason to Listen: Stress can be a serious problem for people, it can even be deadly. B. Thesis Statement: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one more content...
c. Oxytocin is a hormone that not only suppresses adrenalin and cortisol but also inhibits social behavior and enhances relaxation. ( This is where gender begins to come into play.)
d. Men produce much less oxytocin than women, they also produce more testosterone.
e. So due to the larger amount to Oxytocin, women tend to deal stress in a more nurturing manner, they tend to befriend and talk to others around them when they are stressed.
f.While men have a more fight or flight response, they tend to confront their stressors in an aggressive manner or they avoid them altogether.
g. If men are put under too much negative stress for too long, they are at more risk for heart disease and cancer due to high blood pressure and cholesterol an weakened immune systems.
Transition: Luckily there are ways to avoid and reduce stress.
3. There are different ways to cope and deal with stress some are negative and some are positive. a. Some ways are negative because it is either damaging to oneself or others.
b.On Nov. 9th 2013 I had a interview with Jorge Garza, a nurse at the mental health wing at Alexian Brothers Medical Center about, negative ways people deal with stress.
c.He said that when releasing stress involves hurting oneself or others it is negative.
d. Some examples he gave me of negative stress that hurts oneself is drinking, self injury, doing drugs, smoking cigarettes,