Essay on My Day
My Day I wake up every morning with a shock, my mum knocking at the door and shouting,
"Time for a shower." I'm always tired in the mornings and find getting up for a shower really horrible, though it does a good job of waking me up and after it I'm ready for another day at school. Well that is what I think but I usually end up in bed asleep right up until 7.45 am. Luckily I have usually packed my school stuff the night before.
My house is quite big and there is lots of room to get away from the rest of my family. I have a computer in my room and I spend quite a lot of time more content...
Another couple of friends arrive at this house too and we all get together and walk to school. This walking to school together gives me a good opportunity to make after school arrangements. Once at school (the walk takes about 15 minutes) I go to my tutor base and catch up with my friends who don't walk to school with me. After a short rest I make my way to my first lesson on a Monday usually English.
English requires a lot of work and its quite interesting. All year it's work, work, work, which is hardly surprising seeing that it's GCSE year. I'm going to need to work hard because qualifications are a necessary part of any career and I definitely want a career not just a job.
After the first two lessons I usually eat my lunch. It may seem strange that I eat my lunch at break but it takes so much time queuing at lunchtime just so I can sit down and eat some food that I would rather eat my packed lunch early freeing up time at lunch for other activities. The only downside to this is that you have lots of people surrounding you begging for food. Most people would probably just say "No", but I have real problems with saying "No" and more often than not half my food is devoured by these hungry beasts.
Once break is finished I work until the real lunch time and then I hang around the common room or go to the library and do
American English Essays
The question of whether or not English should be an official language has been a controversial topic since our country was founded. The English language is a tie that helps combine the many pieces of our society together. Our nation should not acclaim bilingualism, but should enfold English as the national language spoken in the United States, to secure the future unity of our nation.
The United States is a nation composed of many immigrants from all around the world. We are a country of many cultural and racial ethnic groups that are constantly reacting to shape the American culture. The English language binds and unites immigrants with native– born Americans. English allows us to communicate with each other and discuss more content...
It is starting to become the international language as well. Speaking one language helps the ability of all backgrounds to communicate with one another. With so much diversity in the United States, we need something that joins us together. To speak a language that is used by the world, will help all Americans. English is the common bond of our community, and understanding it is the only way a citizen will be able to fully participate in democracy, business, and education. It is the language of international relations, as well as the language of our historical documents, of communication and of safety. By making English the official language, it will help to bring together Americans, not propel them farther apart.
Many Americans are composed of Hispanic origin. With such a great number of the population speaking a second language, bilingualism will more than likely become an even more common occurrence in many states, in the future. This thought strongly associates with the job market of the United States. The second generation is becoming more bilingual, using one language for their home and the other for business. Workers are going to have to be able to communicate with one another to get the job done. Should native– born American employees learn to speak Spanish to communicate with other fellow employees? My answer would have to be, no. A system that accommodates immigrants in their native languages removes the
Journey Essay : My English Journey
English Journey
I can still remember the first time I ever picked up a pencil, it was when I was about four and that was also when I realized I was left–handed and double jointed in my finger because when I would hold a pencil really tight it would bend my finger back really far. From then on I dealt with bumping people while even writing my hand because somehow in every class I got sat next to someone right handed and was always on the right side.
First time I ever wrote an essay I was so passionate about it, it was about my family and I talked about them for pages. The last essay I wrote was about roller derby and I loved it it was about the only thing I did in English last year if I write about something I like, I can write forever, but if I don't like the subject or just don't understand it I can't grasp it very well. I never exactly liked reading and writing, it's never been my strong suit because my reading level isn't the highest, therefore it's hard for me to comprehend what I'm putting on paper or in the computer because in order to know what I wrote makes sense I have to read it over several times just to understand it. Which sometimes when I start writing I'll be passionate about the subject, then towards the end, I'll slow down and not have much to say because by then I feel I've said it all.
When I read any books, it's really fun, my favorite book is Swindle. I remember the first book I ever read when I first started reading, it was Where the Wild Things Are.
My English Skills Essay
Learning a language is one of the most difficult skills that a human can ever learn. Yet, it is also one of the most critical skills that everyone must develop to properly live in a civilized society. Learning a second language such as English is no different, except that it is for the great benefit of having the opportunity to be eligible for many more jobs inside and outside the birth country. Naturally, it is why developing English skills is the landmark goal that majority of people want to strive for. In my experience of developing my English skills, there are many things that I encounter as part of my development. The aspects throughout my English skill's development include how I developed the skills, the big hurdles hindering my mastery, more content...
The first time I have attended classes in an English–speaking environment dated back to when I was still a 7th grader, which is the grade at my high school that I have the choice to choose the so–called English Program course in which the teacher for every subject except Thai and History taught in English. Consequently, the constant exposure to English language classes up to this day is what formed the root of all the motivation I have today for maintaining my improvement on my English skills. Furthermore, as the result of the motivation, learning English by myself became the primary passive activity for all of my leisure time. Since the last decade, the online world has become the primary place where I always read and listen to everything in English. For instance, when watching YouTube videos, I always listen for the content that is spoken in the video. At the same time, I also exposed myself to all kinds of English accents, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, which in turn means lead to less effort on trying to understand real conversations in English. Indeed, the ways I have advanced my English skills is the backbone of all the motivation to keep it strong and
My Experience In English Writing
English is a core concept in the Untied States and other countries that has allowed inviduals to advance their knowledge. Not only does English provide an advancement in knowlege, but has created a way for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings through writing. Which is why English is one of the four subjects that is required to be taught in almost every school district in America including mine. I began taking English from a young age which allowed me to take advanced placement English IV my senior year at Tupelo High School. Advanced Placement English IV allowed me to further my education in writing, which in return allowed me to overcome obstacles, low points and discover strengths I never knew I had. Like any other thing in life there are always obstacles individuals face everyday, for me in my English IV class writing was something that was very challenging. The first challenge writing presented to me was trying to organize all of my thoughts, so that it made sense. The first essay I ever wrote in my English class was a journal entry about a memorable experience, so with that being said I decided I would write about the experience I had while hunting with my Dad. The hunting experience with my dad had many different parts, and one of my biggest challenges I had was organizing my thoughts, so that it flowed correctly. Since I was telling a story within my journal I realized that I was jumping around more then I should have and this became a problem. I learned
Explain My Expectation Of English 1101
Of the many expectations I have of English 1101, three are very important to me: improving my vocabulary, communication skills, and the ability to enhance my writing skills. During college the most fundamental class will be English. English will help me with all subjects in my curriculum, by building better communication skills, and will help with me with everyday life. In today's world of increased communications, particularly of a digital nature, writing skills are an important aspect of expression on a personal, professional and educational level. People send written communications more frequently and quickly than ever in the form of text messages, emails and social media updates.
One important expectation I have is improving my vocabulary. The way you speak is just as important as your appearance. An improved vocabulary means you sound intelligent, you sound confident in more content...
When enhancing my writing skills , this will also help improve my poor grammar and spelling. Having good writing skills will help you succeed in your academics and professional career. Better writing skills communicate intelligence, professionalism, and competency. The inability to write clearly and effectively communicate through the written word significantly impacts your ability to land a new job or promotion. Enhancing my writing skills will allow me to advance further along in my career.
The most important expectation I have of a college–level English course is developing excellent communication skills. Having excellent communication skills means I will be able to comprehend more things adequately. Everything you do in the life results in a from communication. Reading, writing, speaking and listening are forms of communication that we use everyday. These skills are very important when communicating in careers where peoples lives could be on the line, money is involved, or even when good customer service is
English For Academic Purpose Essay
English for Academic Purpose (EAP) has become an expanding discipline in higher education worldwide. Universities are center of intellectual gathering for international scholars. The development of EAP is stimulated by the internationalization of higher education and increasing number of international courses taught in university around the world as well as the students' mobility to universities around the world. In addition , foreign students contributes to the economy of Western countries , as an evidence UK receives up to 80 billion British pounds during 2013 ( NEF consulting , 2013).
It entails preparing students to use English for higher education and it is one of the most common forms of English for Specific Purpose (ESP). According more content...
This focuses on the development of role by modeling to student how they can transfer the skills they acquire in EGAP classes to enhance their understanding while reading the assigned textbooks , listening to lectures and writing essays. Defining EAP, it is highlighted that it "refers to any English teaching that relates to study purpose" (Dudley–Evans and St John 1998 highlighted that EAP is related to teaching English communication skills in order to succeed study purpose and is primarily concerned with communication skills required for studies . (ETIC 1975, as quoted in Jordan 1997: 1).
The role of the EAP tutor transcends the limited framework of language teaching, to involve institutional awareness and a detailed knowledge of specialized discourse. An EAP tutor needs to research and assist students in understanding and constructing texts in their disciplines and to actively 'engage with the disciplines'(Dudley–Evans and St John 1998).
Johns and Price–Machado, 2001classified ESP into two main areas namely English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational Purposes. ). This is shown in Figure 1 . Figure 1. Classification of ESP Categories (Johns and Price–Machado,
English Is The Most Difficult Subject
Once you start going to school you are given many subjects to learn. Just to name a few: History, Science, Math and a few other subjects as well as English. And as you're going through elementary and high school into college you are learning about all of these subjects. Most people view the difficult subject by the amount of homework given or even by the amount of time spent learning it. English is in a category all its own. Without English none of the other subjects would even exist on paper. Or within word of mouth either. And this is one of the reasons it can be a difficult subject. There is a lot of weight riding on you being able to understand and comprehend the language you are native to. So it would be safe in saying that English is not only a hard subject but that English is the most difficult subject of study to humankind.
In the English language there are many different types of words and some words meaning other words and other words telling you the story behind other words. English is just a way of life in this world hence this essay I'm writing. Words can be spelled in many different ways and pronounced in different ways too, depending on your accent mostly. And here is where some of the problems occur. You see if you learn by the spelling alone and then you try to pronounce the word without assistance. You may end up saying it wrong. For example the word 'tough' could be pronounced as 'tuf.' But at the same time if you look at the word 'dough' it isn't
English in My Life Essay
When my teacher said "good morning" to me on the very first day of school, I knew that she would be teaching a tough subject. She didn't get any answer for that greeting because back then, I knew nothing about "good morning". Surprisingly, as I went through the class session on that day, I realized that "good morning" wasn't the first English phrase that I'd known. English has been rooted in my society long before my country achieved its independence and shockingly I've used some of its words in my daily speech without realizing it because the words were fully modified by the society so that they could be installed smoothly into our language.
Learning English was always an interesting yet tough more content...
When someone speaks English in my society, he or she feels a sense of withdrawal because they are set apart to a very small group in the society. People tend to belittle this group for speaking other languages, and normally they will end up speaking their first language to comply with the larger group in the society. With all these reasons, my interest towards English was completely gone when I enrolled in secondary school, six years after my formal `encounter' with the English language. For having this negative feeling, I became a member of a large group of students who had never realized the significance of the English language.
One day was unusually dull. I was waiting for the teacher to come to the class and instead of revising my past English lessons that I rarely cared about, I prayed that she wouldn't show up that day. After ten minutes' wait, she entered the class saying "good morning". The greeting didn't bother me much, but when she came to me asking for the assignment that she gave the day before, I was speechless and I just gave her the blank handout that I was supposed to complete for that day. Her face showed no emotion and with that she ripped the paper into pieces. That day marked a massive change in my attitude toward English lessons and the English language in general. The incident was very important to me because I then realized that even in a subtle way, language represents people and to respect the language means to respect
For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime.
I started learning English as a second language when I was in first intermediate. I still remember my first classes and my first teachers. I remember that my teachers changed frequently in the first year but all of them have much in common. All of them used grammar translation method. They used to write bilingual lists of words on board, then we, as students, were asked to copy these lists and memorize them by heart. All teaching concentrated on reading and writing skills, but there were no activities concentrating on speaking or listening. In addition, grammar rules were taught in that stage of learning the language as mathematics equations, and we were asked to memorize the rules as more content...
Of course, there are certain defects or gaps in my knowledge or ability to use the English language like using idioms and the appropriateness of some vocabulary. Idioms have many connotations and denotations in the English language. Sometimes I use an idiom and I mean something, but the connotations of the idiom means something else. Another gap of my knowledge of the language is the appropriateness of using certain vocabulary. English language entails high sense of using the appropriate word for describing or narrating something. To my mind, I have not reached this point
Reflection On My English 101 Experience
Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the
The History of the English Language Essay
The History of the English Language
In this paper I will discuss where and how the English language originated and how it has spread to become one of the most spoken languages in the world. Before I started my research on my topic of choice, my original hypothesis was that the English language was started by a whole assortment of Germanic tribes invading England thousands of years ago. This ultimately became the goal of my paper, to see if Germanic tribes started the English language, or if it was started from some other tribes that I was not aware of.
The history of the English language is of significance because English is spoken more frequently than any other language except Chinese, (Bright, 1992). A Germanic language, more content...
The Proto–Indo–European language was more complex than English today. It is possible to reconstruct three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter) and up to eight cases (nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative, locative, instrumental). Adjectives agreed in case, number, and gender with the noun. The verb system was also rich in inflections, used for aspect, mood, tense, voice, person, and number. Different grammatical forms of a word were often related by the feature of ablaut, or vowel graduation: the root vowel would change systematically to express such differences as singular and plural or past and present tense, as is still the case in English foot/feet or take/took (Crystal, 1997).
The Proto–Indo–European language is thought to have been spoken before 3,000 BC, and to have split up into different languages during the following millennium (Crystal, 1997). The languages families include Celtic, Germanic, Italic, Indo–Iranian, Tocharian, Armenian, Anatolian, Albanian, Greek, Balto–Slavic, and Slavic languages. Yiddish, German, Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, and English make up the West Germanic subgroup of the Germanic Branch (Crystal, 1997).
Scholars renamed the language group the Indo–European family after 3,000 BC (Crystal, 1997). Theorists suggest that the horse was a major element of the Proto–Indo–European and the Indo–European
Reflection Paper About English Composition
English Composition I has developed my style of writing and my skills analyzing and researching topics to write a piece about a topic. Throughout the course, I got better at analyzing articles and pieces to get the meaning of the topic. With that improved skill I was more able to use the information given from the text and install it into my essays, with proper citation if needed. Before taking the English Composition course, I was not one to organize my essays in an ordeal order to clearly state the point of the work. Now with taking the course, I have learned to organize my essays, examine research for a topic, and develop an essay with proper mechanics, and revising skills. In writing my personal, review, analytical, and more content...
I then described my life and who I was. After describing this, I explained my experiences in confronting racism. The point of the essay was to state that racism is still alive and can be present anywhere. After writing this essay, I learned that my mechanics and style was not where it should be. Even with the revisions Mr. Heldenfels made in the draft, I still made mistakes with mechanics and tense shits. I had written comma splice and has several spelling mistakes. I looked to improve my mechanics after writing this essay.
With writing my review essay of A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie's album The Bigger Artist. The essay took some time to write because of the research I needed to gather. In this essay I used more citations and quotes. I made mistakes the mechanics in writing the quotes. This was the first essay in which we used sources, so it was challenging to create my own ideas but I was able to do it. Writing this essay improved my knowledge of mechanics in citations and quotations.
Through taking the course, I learned to utilizes sources in a more efficient way. In writing my analytical essay of Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp A Butterfly I had to use ten sources. All the sources I used provided different information, some provided more than others, but all sources were needed to complete the essay. In collecting all the information for the essay, I had to research who created the source and decide if it was credible. This essay assignment force me to examine works in
Language is important because it's one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. It keeps us in contact with other people. English language is an example for the importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important language to people in many parts of the world. It is most widely used in communicating around the world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many countries. English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that makes English is the most important language in the world.
The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that more content...
Moreover the internet sites are in English and we can see the other languages sites gives options to translate into English and a lot of information we will find are written in English. Another fact is that it the writer thing is that it is the easiest language to learn and suggest that starting learning English for one week and see the results. If we understand and communicate in English it will be every easy for us while traveling and we can get help in English around the world. Many companies and governmental companies hire people who are good readers and writers and can speak English very well.
One of the most international languages is English. It is from the requirements from studying abroad and the textbooks are almost in English. If a person wants to get PHD degree English is important and helpful for them. The writer of the article wants to shed the lights on how to improve English skills. 1) students should differentiate between textbooks languages and real English language and focus on grammar and how to write without any mistake. The writer compared between the use of English and Arabic language. 2) How to get fluent English language speaker and explains the tips for it. We don't have to memorize each single word but only the phrases and statements. Also read and write stories, articles and conversation. Moreover download and listen to BBC, CNN, WEE and Euro news agencies to be familiar
Essay about My Life
My Life
I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica. He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings, and I to join him in California.
My more content...
I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my school experience challenging, but exciting as well.
Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English.
Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more
English Essay: English As A Global Language
The English Language
A language that is spoken internationally is called "Global" or "World" language. A global language is a language in which people speak internationally on a daily basis, in international organizations and diplomatic relations. It is a "lingua franca", a language that helps people from different backgrounds to communicate with each other. Not many languages that have been established in human history have reached to the point in which they are called a global language, amongst those few languages is English. Approximately 2 billion people around the world use English as a native language, a second language or a foreign language. English is used for many causes, such as; technical and scientific communication, education and employment.
The reason why English is a global language is because people tend to learn easier languages. English is a language that doesn't use complex grammar and can be consumed relatively easy. Moreover, there are no grammatical differences between different genders and it consists of less auxiliary verbs than any other language. Another factor that has led English to its popularity is the political more content...
Native English speakers are the ones who were born in countries in which English is the official language, therefore; their mother language, and such countries are The USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, these are called the inner circle. English as a second language is used by people whose countries (Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ghana, India, Kenya, etc.) have been invaded by nations that use English as an official language and are called the outer circle. There are also countries known as the expanding circle (China, Japan, Israel and Russia) that teach English as a secondary language in schools and institutes for educational and touristic purposes, therefore being used as a useful tool. This last type of English is called English as a foreign
Before entering English 1301, I had my doubts about what this class was going to consist of. Considering this is a college level English class, and a subject I struggled in, my worries were not at ease. Throughout the year, my understanding and comprehension of the writing process, as well as how to write different varieties of writing, have strengthened. After partaking in this course, I am confident I have met the student learning outcomes. After completing my first college level English class, I would be expected to meet four student learning outcomes. One of those being I could use rhetorical devices to strengthen my essays. Coming into this course, I did not have a grasp over this subject and knew it was something I could improve more content...
I have improved my grammar through feedback from my instructor, and workshops I participated in. There is a significant difference between my writing conventions from the beginning of the year to my present writing conventions. In my second essay, The Drastic Evolution of Teen Life, I have noticed many writing convention errors. In this essay I said, "Also with the lack of technology, they were influenced to be more adventurous and get out of the house and explore things on their own" (The Drastic Evolution of Teen Life) This sentence is a prime example of faulty sentence structure; it lacks punctuation in the right places. My third essay, Euthanasia: Condemned by Doctors, has less errors and shows improvement on these writing conventions. Improvement can be seen in the sentence, " Euthanasia should not be legal because it is not morally correct, undermines medical research, and denies patients the final stage of growth"(Euthanasia: Condemned by Doctors). This shows development on sentence structure, punctuation, and helps gives my essay a polished look. Without this, errors I may have previously made would be even more
Short Story
English coursework
The End of the Road
It all started to go downhill when my boyfriend started speaking to another girl behind my back, sending text messages and meeting up with her for a 'chat' as he used to say. I never believed anything he said. Neither did my friends or family. Why should we have? Before we got together he was known as a player and someone who continuously flirted with girls even if he had a girlfriend, but after we got together he toned it down and I thought he had changed. I'm fed up with the way he is treating me, I know I deserve better. How did I know that the day I decided to confront him was the day I would never see him again?
I decided to go to Daniel's the morning after I had found out about the more content...
And that's when she told me. ''It's Daniel'' she said. ''He's been in an accident'' I fell to the floor, I hadn't spoken to him, I've been ignoring him, what have I done?!
''Is he hurt? What kind of accident?'' I asked her. She looked up at me through the tears in her eyes and I knew just from the look she gave me that it was more than a broken bone.
He was dead.
After Daniel's death I didn't leave my room for about a week, I didn't want to face the world, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. But all I could think about was 'what if?' What if I hadn't ignored him? What if we weren't arguing, would he have been at mine that night?
I went on my laptop about a week after, I didn't look at my phone or my laptop because I didn't want any sympathy comments as I knew it would only make me feel worse, but that night I just wanted to see what people had put on his Facebook wall, the moment I logged onto my account, I had thousands of notifications. I switched my laptop straight off; I knew I shouldn't have gone on in the first place.
The next day was his funeral, I didn't think I would be able to cope, but I knew I would have lots of people there to support me, but I knew it would be harder for his family than it would be for
Essay On English Language Teaching
English Language Teaching Methods
Many countries in Asia like China, Japan, UAE, Sri Lanka, Singapore etc., adopted English as a foreign language not as a second language. Because considering English as a second language and as a Foreign Language is different in their view point. They view that outside of the classroom, English is not that much useful. They teach all the subjects in their mother tongue but in India if one is unable to speak in English he becomes a tabooed person. Many Asian countries treat the pupil's age, sex, race, attitude, intelligence and grasping power in teaching English. Indian teachers neglect this aspect. For ex: a speaker from Hyderabad emphasizes more vowels before many words because of the influence of Urdu. Straight – Istraight. And a Bihari pronounces 'sh' as 's' because of the influence of Kharboli. Teachers don't take into consideration of this aspect and mistreat students. So teachers have to choose the methodology as suit their classroom and environment. If teacher takes all the factors into consideration classroom becomes more meaningful. All the methods are not meaningful when teacher choose them as per the needs of the classroom.
Methods of English Language more content...
Sometimes more than one method is used to bring out the anticipated outcomes in the language classroom where communication develops the key factor of teaching–learning process. Unless students learn to utilise the classroom method to express thoughts and feelings outside into the real world situations, the learning cannot be effective no matter whatever teaching method is applied in English as a Second Language classroom. Teacher– student role becomes the centre in bringing out the maximum within the limited time in a