How The World Was Made Creation Myth

Creation Myth A creation myth is a narrative that says how the world became and how people came to inhabit the earth. A regular myth is known to be fake, but people actually believe creation myths. In the story "How the World Was Made", it is explained how the Indians believe the earth became. The earth is explained to be an island with four cords attached that hang from the sky vault. If the cords were to ever break, the island would fall into the ocean and never return. The Indians are afraid of this happening. "How the World Was Made" is a creation myth considering that it follows all of the criteria of a creation myth; describes how the universe, earth and life began, explains the workings of the natural world, and supports and more content...
Because the sun was too close at one time, the Red Crawfish's shell was scorched and his meat was spoiled. Therefore, the Cherokee did not eat the raw meat. When the animals and plants were first made they were told that they had to stay awake for seven nights. Only the owl, panther and one or two other animals were able to stay awake, therefore, they were given the power to be nocturnal. Only a few trees were able to stay awake and the ones who did not would lose their leaves in the winter. When men came after the plants and animals, the brother hit his sister with a fish and told her to have a child. In seven days she had a child and every seven days she had a child until it got dangerous. "And they increased very fast until there was danger that the world could not keep them." ("How the World"). Therefore, it was made that a woman could have only one child per year. In conclusion, this story is a creation myth. There are a lot of occasions in this story that would not happen in real life. For example, the buzzard can not make valleys or mountains while flying. It is not possible to have a child in seven days after being hit with a fish or even having a child every seven days. Finally, this story is making the earth sound like it is a seed. If one were to do scientific research or read the bible they would soon know that the earth is not a seed but a home for
Creation Myth Essay

Creation Myth
In the beginning...
There was only water and bare, empty land. In the center of this nothingness was a great mountain. This mountain stood tall and proud and it reached all the way into the heavens. At the very top of this mountain lived a pair of every kind of animal. In the center of this heaven grew a tree. This tree was not just any tree, it was the sacred tree of life, and it was not to be harmed in any way.
Among the diverse group of animals was a pair of giraffes. The female giraffe had grown tired of eating the same old leaves and fruits. Being strong–willed and stubborn she decided that she just had to try a fruit from the sacred tree. She convinced her husband to accompany her and to be one of the first more content...
Hoping that the Great One will grant them this one request they go to sleep that night.
When they Awake in the morning they find that they clay figure has come to life. That day this human proves to be very helpful and creates a wonderful paradise out of the barren land. That night there is another great storm. The man is stuck my lightening. He isn't killed but he is split in half. This other half is slightly different from him and is therefore called a woman.
The land and life is flourishing. All the animals and both the man and woman are quite content. In the spring that woman births a baby boy. Nine months later she has another child, a girl. The brother and sister got along very well. They were the best of friends and did everything together. One day the girl convinces her brother to go with her to the great mountain and climb up to the heavens. The boy is against the idea, since the heavens were forbidden to visit ever since the banishment, but she finally persuades him to come. The reach the heavens and there stands the Great One. He tells them of his plans. That he had planned to give the animal and human life another chance, and to let them re–enter the heavens. This chance was never to be given though; the two children had lost it.
The children go back to the lands. The brother is mad at the sister and blames her for the loss of chances. Over the months he grows
Creation Myth Essay

A myth is a story passed down from generation to generation that usually explains natural or social occurrences. A creation myth differs from a myth because they explain how the world came to be, or they give people a way of life. "Death, and Life and Death" covers the origin of death, life, and all the different races of the world, therefore making it a creation myth.
Matter or light did not exist in the beginning. Only Death, whose name is Sa, and his wife and only daughter existed. Due to needing a place for his family to live, Sa created a giant sea of mud. A few years later a god named Alatangana came to visit and was disgusted by the filth in which Sa and his family lived. Alatangana turned the mud into solid earth, and made the plants
Creation Myths Examples

Creation myths illustrate cultural beliefs of many diferente ways, in a loto f diferente situations. The first example is in Seneca's myth. They had a big belief in Heaven, and in there were two Brothers who used to divide an island. The youngest brother was angry and went on to spread evil, while the other one had a good life in heaven. A second example is that their belief that women were made to procreate. On "Hopi" myth, the Spider Woman created human kind. It may show that the only thing that women is able to do is procreate. The last example is in Pandora and Prometheus myth. Pandora was represented as a stupid person and brought chãos to world, and it shows that Greeks used to think that women were insignificant. Creation myths really
Creation Myths Essay

Creation Myths
Who made who? Did God create humans or did humans create god? At first thought one
would of course say God created humans. Man cannot create god! What fool would dare say
such a thing! After all the definition of God says that it is the supreme being and the divine
creator, not the divine creation. So of course God created man, right? Or shall we dig a little
deeper into this question and examine it from the other side? Is God just a figment of mans
elaborate imagination? Could it be that God is a mythological tool used by man to manipulate the
mind to give explanations to the unexplainable? If this is true then humans created god.
Since the beginning of mankind, gods more content...
All they knew was that there
were necessities in the world that were vital to their survival such as the sun. They were oblivious
to what the sun was, but they knew it was consequential to their existence so they labeled it as a
Years past, and as time went by man obtained more and more knowledge about the
environment in which they inhabited. With Knowledge came the dawn of a new breed of gods.
Gods that would satisfy mans starving imagination and explain their existence. Expanding from
the elementary elemental based gods of the Egyptians came more evolved gods. Gods that were
more than just dominators over the elements. Gods that expressed a plethora of emotions toward
man and became a more personal form of a God. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Muslim
are just a few examples of the contemporary religions that were created between 2500 BCE to
500 CE . Why haven't there been any new religions created within the last 1,500 years? The answer is
simple. The human race as a whole has become so abundant with knowledge that we aren't
nearly as nieve and susceptible to manipulation anymore. Therefore no new creationist religions
have been originated. Sights that would have served as a miracle 2000 years ago have now
Motifs in Creation Myths Essay

Motifs in Creation Myths
The motifs found in the creation myths are undoubtedly different from those found in any other type of myth. Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of the creation myths is much greater than a primitive attempt to explain the mysteries of creation. Behind each creation myth is a vast variety of symbolism along with a number of motives which are often shared between cultures, despite vast geographical differences. My intention here is not only to discuss the purpose of the creation myths, but also to compare and contrast common themes which can be found in three selected works. These being, an Eskimo creation myth, the Ongwe creation myth and the Navajo creation myth.
Even with modern advances more content...
We now see these theories as inaccurate, due to the fact that they have been replaced by newer scientific models. In a modern light, it can be stated that creation myths describe not the origin of our cosmos but rather these myths allow us to gain a broader understanding of ancient theories and beliefs. During the time of their invention however, these myths were precisely an honest interpretation of the outer world, and therefore they served the exact purpose which is stated in their title, to explain the process of creation.
A technique that is used in many creation myths can be referred to as "creation from above." In this method of narration, the creator often creates a replica of earth within the heavens, and somehow recreates this image in the abyss below. An example of this can originally be found in Kund Rasmussen's collection of Eskimo myths. In this story a being called Tulungersaq, or Father Raven is born in the heavens. He initially takes the form of a human being and is entirely unaware of how he came into existence. He is in complete darkness and it is through his sense of touch that he becomes aware of his surroundings. Through his exploration, he discovers a sparrow, and realizes that this is the only form of life that had been in existence before him. He goes on to bury something beneath the earth and soon after he discovers that the earth is no longer sterile, it is now covered in bushes and grass. Tulungersaq is still
Creation Myths

A creation story or myth is usually one that aims to dictate how the world was created. Though these stories vary among cultures, religions, and nations, some are more popular than others. In Hinduism, for instance, creation stems from the creator, called Brahma. However, the creator is portrayed in various forms and Brahma has become less important than the other two members of the Hindu trinity, Shiva and Vishnu (Leeming 35). It is believed that Brahma creates the world from various forms of himself. This is essentially the ideality that Hindu's idea of creation portrays different Gods/ avatars, correctly known as deities. Another creation story that has higher popularity in America originates from the Bible. The traditional Judeo–Christian
Creation Myth

Throughout our lives, we have heard many stories about the creation of earth and humans. Whether they are religious based, myths, folk tales, or stories passed on through generations; they all have a common purpose which is to explain how everything came to be. In the myth, The Creation of the Universe and Human Beings, the creation of earth is explained through two gods that essentially "fashioned" heaven and earth, as well as a goddess named Nu Kua that created human beings. Throughout this story there is a common theme of creation, and the explaining of how earth and human beings were created. Although this is a Chinese culture based myth, it still holds many similarities and relevance to our world today. We all have our own idea or belief
Mayan Creation Myths

Different cultures have different beliefs and values. In this paper, I will speak about two different cultures and their creation myths. There are different myths floating around within each culture that explain the creation of human, earth and animals. The two I have chosen is The Old Testament Creation and The Mayans Creation. The Old Testament Creation is very common amongst individuals today. This Creation involves Adam and Eve. The Mayans creation went through a series of changes until the right humans were formed.
The Old Testament creation combines ex nihilo and deus faber motifs. God created the heavens and the earth. It took God seven days to complete his creation. Day one, God separated light from darkness. He called this day more content...
These myths shape the way people live their lives. The main purpose of creation myths in a culture is to explain rituals, customs in beliefs. There are things that we may not be able to understand or explain. Creation myths explains how humans were created, why we are imperfect, why we die, why there is suffering and where we go when we die ("Creation Myth Gantjes", 2004). If you take the time and look at how religions are linked to the history of creation myths, you'll see how it shapes the way we view cultures. The Old Testament creation stated that Eve and Adam disobeyed Gods command. The result from Adam being disobedient, he would have to work hard and suffer to survive. Eve had to endure the pain of carrying a child and serve her husband. In Christianity today, this is the result of men and women. We as women endure pain when carrying a child. Men have to work very hard to make a
Creation Myths

Civilisations use sacred origin stories to offer descriptions on God, identity, meaning and the purpose of life. In many cultures these stories are referred to as creation myths. Bernard Doyle further explains, "Creation myths are amongst mankind's earliest attempts to explain some of the most profound questions about the nature and origin of the universe". In particular when focussing on the Upper Kingdom ancient Egyptian written and visual creation story, the significance of culture and religion is dominant. This text teaches contemporary Australians about the diversity of creation beliefs in religion. This argumentative essay focuses on a historical and social approach, addressing the theme of change in a religious society. It is more content...
Hieroglyphics is different to normal text, as it told a story through pictures. These pictures were a major part of Egyptian culture and formed a significant aspect in creation mythology. However the Egyptian writing followed with the change in religion to Coptic Christianity and then Islamic. These writing styles were picked up by the population and hieroglyphics again just became a culture practice of the past. This shift was important step away from traditional mythology, which was used as a part of creation stories. This added change continued the transformation of once a contextual creation myth, to now amore literal story which has been proven
Comparisons of Creation Myths Essay

Myths – as they are known to most of the world – give insight into the pasts of various countries and religions as the people saw them. They have been used to explain phenomenons in nature or describe the tales of courageous and important men and women throughout history. Creation myths in particular define how the Earth itself was created, along with the universe, heavens, hell, people, and creatures that exist today. Genesis of Christian mythology, for instance, tells the story of how the single deity God spoke and formed everything from day and night to man and woman. Various African creation myths, such as with the Yoruba, explain the creation of the Earth through at least a couple gods working together and all more content...
Professors correlate Buddhism and Christianity, Hinduism and Islam, Confucianism and Hinduism, and Greek and Roman myth, since all of those pairs seem to follow similar patterns or derive their ideals from one another, even down to the same gods but with different names. They compare the Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism; the "Dharmic" or Indian religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Jainism; and the Taoic religions, encompassing a large group of with Taoism, Confucianism, and Shinto. These comparisons give us a stronger understanding of previous civilizations and their beliefs, and shows the patterns people make as a culture as they develop over the centuries.
It should be noted that all creation myths tend to possess similar themes, despite differing story lines. As noted before, there exists the basic ideas of chaos before creation, and gods to form life. But then various myths show that, once life has been created, the gods tend to retreat from the humanity they create, instead watching them from afar and using specifically chosen and often religious contacts to spread their words and commands. This deus
Examples Of Creation Myths

What creation myth do you believe in? There are many different creation myths, each culture has their own because they believe the world was created different. Even though cultures have different myths some of them have something in common, which is a motif. The motifs that I think are the most important are the following; Most myths start with chaos, Men are always created before women, and Humans are made for organic material. Without these motifs the creation myths would be silly and would not make sense.
Creation myths mostly start with Chaos:
In my opinion the most important motif of all, is how, mostly all creation myths start with chaos. Most myths uses chaos because nobody really knows what was before earth and god, especially more content...
Men were always created first because they are stronger and can withstand more than women. When the gods would make women they made them small and fragile, they were not meant to do hard labor. Every culture used this motif so that means it must be important and a smart idea to use. The main reason that women were made was to give the men company, be the men's mate, and take care of the children. While the men were out all day working of finding food for the family, while his wife would be inside watching the children and cleaning the house.
Humans were made out of organic materials:
Most men were made from organic materials because the gods wanted them to either be apart of them or the earth. The cultures that used this motif were most likely people that loved the earth and worshiped their god everyday. There are many cultures that use organic materials to make the humans but some materials did not work like the gods were hoping for. For example in the Yoruba creation myth the humans are made from clay, but while Obatala was making the people he was drunk and made them all deformed and ugly. Obatala was a very nice god and did not kill them he just made more people that were perfect. Another example is the Mayan creation myth, In the beginning of the myth Tepeu and Gucumatz made animals and were disappointed because the animals could not speak to say their names and praise them. Tepeu and Gucumatz decided to create man and they made
Essay On Creation Myths

Creation Myths My mythology class has been reading and learning about most of the creation myths. A creation myth is how the earth began and how humans first came to inhabit it. Also, we have reviewed the motifs of the myths. A motif is like a pattern of the similar situations happening throughout the myths. The three motifs I thought that were the most common were that most had a single creator, people were created from organic material, and the battles that went on between most of the gods.
Most myths had a single creator In my opinion I think that if there were more than two creators then that would be too much power. A creator is the one that puts the earth together and forms the first humans on earth. Quite a few creation myth stories had only one god that created everything. For example, the Babylonian had one creator which was Marduk, the Hindu had one creator which was Prajapati, the Inuit had a single creator which was Raven, the Chinese said there was only one and his name was more content...
Some of the battles were bigger than others but I thought that the battles were important to use as a motif. In the Hindu creation there was a disagreement of the choices Prajapati was making with his daughter. The other gods got very angry with Prajapati. For revenge the gods created a monster named Rudra, and it haunted Prajapati. Once the monstrous creature found him, he shot him with an arrow and killed him. In the Norse creation Odin was the god that created the humans, but the gods did not accept how he was making them. Ymir's sisters especially did not agree with Odin's idea so they planned to get revenge on Odin. The sisters gathered at the foot of the Yggdrasil and carved lines into it, the lines represented human lives and the twist and turns that humans go through. Humans would never be as powerful, not even Odin could fix the
Three Themes Of Creation In Greek Mythology

The three themes present in these tales of creation are chaos, sin, and transformation. From the beginning we see how God brings order to chaos, not creation out of nothing. Chaos is the primordial state of existence in Greek myth, and hence, these stories have an immense effect on the way people think of the universe. Chaos has a pervasive presence not only in the physical world but also in the lives and actions of human beings as Lycaon's case represents. Ovid described Chaos as "a huge agglomeration of upset". By separating and transforming material object and living being, the creator god imposes rational order on unruly matter. Thus, transformation is another important theme in these tales of creation. This shows that the Greco–Roman community
The Civilian Creation Myth

The creation of man and the world is a question that has resonated since the conscience of thought and analysis began. We as human beings have the tendency to seek out the reasons and truths of the phenomena that occur around us, and our desire to achieve answers has not hindered our exploration of human existence. We tease ourselves by asking the most simplistic questions: why are we here; how did we come to be; who created our world? And as our minds seek into the unknown and force us to develop the theories of our origins, the human hunger for reason and truth begs to differ. Stories have collected throughout the generations that have preceded us, and its transition from person to person further more content...
Tu, is the fierce father and god of war–spirited humans; Tane is the father and god of trees, birds, and insects; Rongo is the father and god of edible cultivated plants; Tangaroa is the father of fish and sea reptiles; Haumia is the father and god of fern root and edible wild plants. All five children explain the various species of life on earth. The same pattern is found in the Babylonian creation myth. In this myth, the characters Father Apsu and Mother Tiamat have children/grandchildren, one who controls the heavens. These three myths explain the many "forces" that exist in our world.
The Japanese, Polynesian, and Babylonian myths illustrates a world created from a mother and father being. The character of the father is one that has all power, all decision, and controls everything and the family. The character of the mother is defined as the caretaker, and a key component that holds the family together. All three myths exhibit a form of cooperation within the family to achieve natural harmony. Without one "child" the other does not succeed, a phenomenon expressed in the Polynesian myth where all children try to escape from the void within their parents' attachment. The mother/father image is important to be distinguished in these three myths, and work as and important figure in it as well. In the Japanese creation myth, Izanami and Izanagi
Creation Myths

Creation myths are the most common form of mythology throughout most of the ancient cultures of the world and evolved from first an oral history passed on to the next generation ending with multiple versions. Mythologists have categorized these mythologies from the various and numerous ancient cultures into five types, which include Ex Nihilo, Creation from Chaos, World Parent, Emergence and Earth–Diver. The creation myth Ex Nihilo, which means "out of nothing" explains how the world along with mankind were created by a creators speech, during a dream, wheb they gave the breath of live or their just their thoughts. All of these methods can be found as the creation stories from the ancient cultures that lived in Africa, Mesopotamia and more content...
The Avesta tells how their supreme god named Ahura Mazda, also know as Ormazd, creates the Earth, trees, plants, animals and mankind in the course of six periods with each period lasting 3,000 years. In the beginning, nothing else existed except for Ahura Mazda who lives in Endless Light.
Most of the modern biblical scholars believe that there are clearly two versions of the creation story that exist in the chapters of Genesis 1 through 3 in the Old Testament. These versions appear to come from three different authors or groups of authors called the Jahwist source, the Priestly sources and the Redactor source. Written by the Priestly source, around 450BC, the first version begins in Genesis 1:1–31 and ends in Genesis 2:1–3. Next, the Jahwist source writes the second version in Genesis 2:4–25, around 950BC, with additional verses written, around 750 to 400BC, by the Redactor source. With all of these dates in mind, it would then appear that the first version in Genesis 1 was written at a later date than Genesis 2 resulting with the version from Genesis 2 being the first version. Also, notice the differences between the 2 versions such as in Genesis 1 where the focus is on the entire universe, whereas, in Genesis 2 the focus is on the creation of man and his environment.
Creation Myth Essay

Myth still remains one of the major links that merges the different cultures and religions from various ethnicities. "The Creation of the Titans and the Gods", as well as "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe", are among the many creation myths that highlight these combinations. Throughout history, myths have created various similarities and differences between the cultures and religions of the world.
Man – the common principle in myths, illustrates that man was produced exclusively for the pleasure of the Gods. Since the dawn of civilization the existence of myths had been recorded and narrated in order to praise the Gods that had blessed them with life. Marduk explains that he created Man with the Gods to assure more content...
The passage from "Enuma Elish" reveals that water was a precious element to the Balbylonians; it was difficult to find water because they lived in such dry and barren land. In Babylonian culture, Titmat became the Earth, which literally made her, Mother Earth, therefore making the land and agriculture important to the civilization. "The Creation of the Titans and Gods" shows that the people of Greece were abundant in agriculture thanks to Zeus; although Mother Earth and Zeus are not the same, they had the same value in society and that they had created the land the people lived on. Not only were the land, water and agriculture important in society, but also the society and structure itself was a growing matter. The myth, "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe" tells of a message that was sent throughout the people of India about their roll in society. In order for one to be the best of their abilities, they must work within their social cast and not be removed from said placing. In a Chinese teaching, called "The Creation of the Universe and Human Beings", the people believed in the wealthy and the poor; "The people whom Nu Kua had fashioned by hand from the rich yellow earth of the riverbed were high–born, wealthy, and intelligent. But the people who had fallen in drops from her rope were low–born, poor, common folk." Countless of creation myths make use of their tales to furnish their evident society or culture a perceptive or reasoning
Creation Myths : Creation Myth Motif

Kylee Bouse
Creation Myth Motif Essay
Mrs. O'Brien
October 23, 2017
Creation Myth Motifs
In a clear, concise, and well–organized essay, I will analyze the different motifs of the creation myths process, struggle, and organic material. The definition of a motif is "something in literature we notice repeated over and over again. I will include ample evidence to conclude the myths that include these motifs, why they used them and how they used them. In the final analysis, I will conclude why I envision the motifs: struggle, process, and organic material are the three most important to me and why.
Motif #1: Struggle: The motif of struggle was a bloody struggle, or the struggle calm to create the earth. I think the motif struggle more content...
Rangi, the sky, and Papa, the Earth, were finally separated. They became the sky above and the Earth below as we known them today. The blood from Rangi became the red of the sunset, the blood from Papa became the red, clay land. At last, the light came into the world and the child moved to the four corners. Tawhirimatea was very angry with what was done and the anger grew in him until he couldn't bear it anymore. Therefore, he ripped out his eyes and threw them into the heavens, here they turned into the first two stars. However, he turned his blind fury on all of his brothers. He blew hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, he made tsunamis and huge storms. Tawhirimatea anger had no end. Papa and Rangi were unhappy, they missed each other so much that they cried and cried and cried. The tears from Rangi become rivers, oceans, and dew. Papa's sighing with loneliness is the mists that rise from the ground. This is why the Maori creation myth had a bloody struggle.
The Rig Veda creation had a battle, a bloody struggle. Before there was anything there were the primeval waters. The seas were vast, deep, and dark. All there was, was Non–Being. However, the waters produced a single golden egg that floated over the waters for nine months. After these nine months, the egg busted open and there was Prajapati standing on the shell. He was neither male or female but was an all–powerful combination of both. For almost a year he rested there without
Creation Myth Research Paper

There are many theories of the world's creation from many person's standpoints since the beginning of time. It is not just about the world's creation, but many other cultures and scientist have been trying to figure out the whole of the natural world since the beginning of time. By taking many different standpoints to see how others see the world and the creation, or the function, of the natural world. Taking people through many views from the many mythical societies, through people who were starting to realize that they can observe things scientifically and finally ending at the scientific findings of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory. A creation myth is a narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. While in
Creation Myth Essay

Myth still remains one of the major links that merges the different cultures and religions from various ethnicities. "The Creation of the Titans and the Gods", as well as "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe", are among the many creation myths that highlight these combinations. Throughout history, myths have created various similarities and differences between the cultures and religions of the world.
Man – the common principle in myths, illustrates that man was produced exclusively for the pleasure of the Gods. Since the dawn of civilization the existence of myths had been recorded and narrated in order to praise the Gods that had blessed them with life. Marduk explains that he created Man with the Gods to assure admiration – more content...
In time he grew up. Now whenever he walks around the Underworld, he creates earthquakes in the upper world." 6 In conclusion, myth has been using many distinctive types of widespread themes that merge science, religion, and culture, binding those civilizations, which are atypical from around the world; they set a customary consign in which cultures can intermingle with parallel motifs, ideologies, and values. In all the creation myths that were interpret, analogous themes and motifs could be well known, screening that myth bonds the cultures and religions from around the humankind in a related fashion.
5 Creation Cycle, 355
6 Creation Cycle,