Why Should Professional Athletes Be Role Models

I believe that professional athletes should be role models because most atheletes actions on and off the field can inspire kids to want to become an professional athelete. One supporting detail would be when atheletes visit schools or hospitals the visit helps kids that need the cheer and joy. Another supporting detail would be when atheletes donate to charity or schools these actions inspire kids to do the same good deeds that the athelete does. Another inspiring thing athelets do is that they give kids something to work towards like being a pro baseball, football, soccer, basketball, etc. player. In conclusion there are many different reasons that professional athletes should be a role model such as their action on and mostly off the field.
Why Athletes Are Good Role Models

Why Athletes Are Good Role Models
Ever since the ancient years, we have admired athletes and the hard work that they do to achieve their goal of winning. We idolize them and wish we were more like them. What happens though when the realization sinks in that they are human too and that some of them do get greedy and selfish? A lot of athletes are model citizens that you should really look up to, but there are also some bad apples in the bunch that ruin it for everyone. Athletes can inspire young people to work hard so that their efforts can pay off, but no one is pure and flawless. Greed does take a hold of some players, but they shouldn't be the ones we devote all of our attention to. We should look at the positive things that...show more content...
Nobody is forcing athletes to be good people, we just want some of them to use better judgement.
One person that honestly thinks that ball players do serve a role as models for the kids and should live up to it is Vincent Lamont Baker of the
Milwaukee Bucks. He is the best all round player on the team and one of the most versatile in the league. He is said to be the symbol of what the NBA is really trying to sell: "good players who are even better people." An excellent role model for black youth is Dave Bing. He was elected into the NBA Hall of
Fame in 1989 and is now the CEO of Bing Steel, a firm that had $61 million in sales in 1991and was ranked tenth in the United States among black–owned industrial and service companies. He now donates a lot of his time and money to various charities.
Football player Orlando Pace sits with 6th grade children in their school library and helps them read. His message was "Yes, I have had some athletic ability and talent, but studying is what's really important." He also said that he doesn't think of himself as a role model, but he is doing the right thing because he knows that there are people looking up to him and he wants to show them something positive. I couldn't believe all of the things he does for children and then says that he doesn't think of himself as a role model. Most of these players are just doing their job. But he realizes
Essay on Professional Athletes as Role Models

Are Today's Professional Athletes Good Role Models?
Everyday today's youth are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Some say teachers, firemen, police officers and a large response to that question is a professional athlete. Something that all these professions have in common is that they are all role models to children. Firemen, teachers, police officers have an easy job at doing this; they are after all the people that save children, teach children and protect children. But professional athletes on the other hand have a difficult task assigned to them when it comes to being role models. Professional athletes are not given an option as to be a role model or not. Just because they have a special gift does not make them have...show more content...
If she were to give a percentage of athletes who do this it could be more valid. After looking through all the research I have done I have found more high–profile players who have done time in jail than have done for a charity. For instance, Kobe Bryant was recently on trial for the rape of a young girl in Colorado. Mike Tyson was in jail for physically harming is wife, not to mention biting the ear off of Evander Holyfield. Leon Lett of the Dallas Cowboys was put to jail for selling cocaine. All these professional athletes are people that kids know. They don't know the guys who are spending their free time helping a charity. Athletes should not be role models because of the things they do off the court or field. They do way too many bad things that youth hear about which might make them want to follow the same path. According to Gary Sailes in his essay "Professional Athletes: Cultural Icons or Social Anomalies:" 16 players from the 2001 Super Bowl were involved in a crime one way or another. Those crimes range from drunk driving to assault to murder threats. These are things that everyone hears about. A child may not be a fan of a football but sooner or later he/she is going to turn the TV and notice a player going to jail. If athletes are supposed to be role models, going to jail is not a good thing. Society can't say professional athletes should be role
Professional Athletes As Role Models

An American debatable topic is whether or not athletes can or will ever be legitimate role models for the next generation. Athletes have been and still can be a powerful and effective role model for students as well as people of all ages. "Athletes know kids look up to them, and it's important for athletes to be responsible (Athletes)." Professional athletes are watched every day on and off the field/court, and it's important for the athletes to act as role models for kids and teens. Professional athletes have the ability to be role models by donating and helping charities, by setting a good Christian example, and by encouraging kids to be active. It is known that some professional athletes donate money to charities just for show, but some really do donate and help charities because they truly care. For example, New York Giants football quarterback, Eli Manning, loves kids and wants to help sick and injured children. In order to help the sick or injured children, he built a children's hospital at the University of Mississippi Medical Center called The Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children (Blair). The care at the hospital ranges from treating healthy newborns to cancer patients (Blair). The hospital treats more than 150,000 children from all eighty–two of the state's counties per year (Blair). Another professional athlete who not only cares about children and youth, but actually puts his compassion into action is pro basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers, LeBron
The Good Role Models For Young Athletes

Harsh coaching of young athletes can often steer kids away from sports altogether, but if the coaches get it right, the kids learn important skills for their futures. At a young age, children need discipline in order to put them in the right direction for their futures. This discipline is found in numerous forms, and one of the most common forms is through sports. As David Brooks, author of the article "Organized Sports Can Benefit Children", says, "The best coaches still live by a code, and they make no apology for demanding that kids live up to it" (Brooks). This code makes coaches respectable role models for young athletes. Though coaching techniques are often critiqued, coaching should not be regulated because most coaches give athletes a good role model to look up to, teach them discipline, and help them learn to get along with others. Parents often have concerns for how coaches treat their young athletes, but most coaches are the best character role models that a child will have. David Brooks says, "Coaches have become the leading moral instructors in America today." (Brooks). Groups like The Positive Coaching Alliance exist solely to help coaches do their job of creating mature and respectful athletes (Positive). Children need these positive role models in their lives because kids are easily influenced, and good influencers are key. Even if a child great parents as role models, it is even better to have one outside of the family. A coach can serve as someone that
Athletes as Role Models

Athletes good or bad role models?
Professional athletes in American sports play a large part in the views of a good role model. Many children and young athletes look up to them as Heroes in our society. There may be numerous reasons that prove professional athletes can be true idols, but more evidence corrupting the idea of heroic athletes. Athletes are good at what they do; they work hard in order to make it in the big leagues. Working hard to get what you want is something to look up to. Though it is they taking advantage of that fame and money they obtain that is questionable towards being a role model. For example Pete Rose bid against his own team, gambling on his game for the other team to win. He is supposed to be someone kids...show more content...
It is wrong that because they are "famous" they don't have to do the normal punishment. Also children and people in general see that as an opportunity to do the same or try to be an athlete so they can to get away with anything basically with a slap on the wrist merely because of their "career". People may argue and say anyone with money can buy out people and probably get away with doing something. The difference between them and these athletes is they aren't serving as a role model for children they get frowned upon for it. While with athletes no one wants to be the one to mess up the season because of what they do. It is immoral and teaching the children of our society the wrong message about sports figures and how people should act. Children see these athletes as remarkable people because of the fame and wealth they receive by playing a sport well enough to be a professional. When in reality they don't see that people can live well by having a good education. People need an education in order to survive in life. Professional athletes are the exception to this in a way because of how much money our society has decided to pay them. Some people claim it is undeserved and should be going to underappreciated citizens with actual
Role Of Athletes As Role Models

Athletes As Role Models: Yes Or No?
Sports have played a huge role in society since the beginning. From the time of the Greeks to right now and probably now more than any other time, the influence of great athletes has been enormous. However, today's media has enhanced sports and the people who play them dramatically . Athletes are seen all over the place, we see them in commercials, on television shows, we read about them in magazines, and we watch them on television all the time. Sports are some of the most watched television programs. People of all ages look up to these athletes.
Athletes are expected to be responsible, positive, and mature role models, if they are not then several studies show that their ratings are lower and they are not liked as much. Many of the Sports Organizations like the NFL,NBA,NHL, and the NCAA have put in league wide policies to keep athletes in line. Even though some break these policies and get in trouble with the league and sometimes the law a lot of the higher level athletes give hope for young athletes all around the freaking world world. For example Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball, and gave new hope to black athletes all around the world. Children and older kids alike, pretend to be their favorite players when they are playing sports, and mimic their moves and attitudes.
Sports are a very big part of our society. They put the athletes who play them on a pedestal. In this paper I plan to show the need for athlete
Are Professional Athletes Good Role Models Essay

Xavier Preston
English 11
10 March 2017
Are Professional Athletes Good Role Models?
"With great power comes great responsibility." This quote from Ben Parker, a supporting character in Spider–Man stories, can apply to professional athletes. When it comes to being great role models, they tend to abuse that responsibility. Considering Ray Rice, Michael Vick, Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant may have been considered role models on their athletic stages, they were not necessarily your suggested role models away from their athletic platforms. To be a good role model you must obtain characteristics such as; demonstrating confidence, establishing leadership, good communication skills, showing respect towards others and, doing good things outside their job. Those are...show more content...
According to ABC News, "American children believe professional athletes motivate them to follow their dreams and goals, they're also copying the bad behavior athletes do off the field"( ABC News ) One of the first national studies on examining kids' perception of athletes' behavior, on and off the field, researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation found,"many kids are learning lessons about sports and life from watching professional athletes." These lessons that are learned are used more than often and can influence a child to do an action that's disturbing for someone who is very young. Abc new's input on children emulating professional athletes states, "Nine out of ten kids said famous athletes teach children mostly "good things." "But some of the lessons learned from athletes are less than admirable." Professional athletes can teach good things to kids, and people can go about their day, and act like nothing had happened. When professional athletes do horrible things then, people would lose it and make a bigger deal because they know how much social power athletes
Essay on Athletes can be decent role models

Since professional sports were first introduced, players have been viewed as role models. Recently the question has been raised as to whether or not this is a proper thing for them to be. Michael Vick tortured and murdered dogs, Barry Bonds cheated his way to stardom, and countless others are just no–good, pampered divas. There are some that shine out through the mess of egotism and are devoted athletes who give back to the community. This suggests that there can be no blanket statement as to whether professional athletes should serve as role–models. Individual athletes can be evaluated as to how good a role–model they can be. There are plenty of valid criteria, but the most important of them would have to be their athleticism, their...show more content...
The athleticism of an athlete is an important thing to take into account because it is the main objective of their career. It is also an acceptable way of measuring their dedication, because no matter how much natural skill they may have, it's impossible to be successful in professional sports without thousands of hours of practice. It is important to notice that there is no one clear form of athleticism. It all depends on the sport and the position. For example, winner of the World's Strongest Man competition, Brian Shaw, may not be able to sprint one hundred meters in under ten seconds but current one hundred meter world record holder Usain Bolt would not be able to dead lift eight hundred pounds. There is no one who could argue that Brian Shaw is out of shape even though he cannot compete in world class sprinting and there is no one that can argue that Usain Bolt is out of shape even though he cannot compete in world class weightlifting. An athlete needs to be able to dominate in their sport. This calls for them to be highly specialized for what they are going to do even if there are some sacrifices necessary. Athleticism is not just a measurement of how far one can jump or how fast one can run, but a measurement of to what level one can compete in their sport. The intellect of an athlete as well as how much an athlete values intellect is of comparable importance to their overall athleticism. It
Athletes Should Be Looked Up To As Role Models

In my opinion I think that athletes should be looked up to as role models. With all the money they make they sometimes help out schools or communities. The athletes also know what hard work is like so they could be looked up to as a model for hard work. Athletes aren't allowed to do drugs if they play sports so that could be another thing to look up to. If kids idolize and athlete that doesn't do drugs then maybe the kids won't do drugs. One major thing is that since athletes work hard in sports maybe kids that idolize athletes will work hard in sports to end up becoming a pro athlete with a lot of money. That's why I think athletes should be held as role models.
Athletes Being Good Role Models

Justin Perales
Professor Hoke
English 1301
Role Models
In professional sports today, there are thousands of professional athletes. Some have more fame than others and have varying levels of influence on young children throughout the world. It is important for all athletes to realize that they are role models. Also to reflect a positive character to the youth around the world. Athletes tend to do things in a selfish manner, not realizing that they have thousands of kids following their every move. According to Solberg and Ringer "professional athletes generally operate with a different set of values and behavioral norms than do non–athletes who participant at a less competitive level" (93).
When people think of role...show more content...
He also joined The U.S. Army and the Ad Council public service announcement to fight against drop outs in schools. When a kid sees the likes of LeBron James telling them that they should not drop out of school, this is big in the eyes of the viewers. James also raised two point five million dollars for the Boys & Girls club of America. James is one of the best players in the NBA quite possibly the best player on the face of the earth. For him to give time between his busy schedule for the kids, this shows that there are athletes out there willing to be role models.
Michael Jordan is another modeling figure, for his efforts on the court and off. Jordan is a legend in any ones books; he is labeled as the best basketball player of all time. Michael helps with the Special Olympics also with the Boys' and Girls' Clubs of America, UNCF/College Fund, and a number of other charitable organizations that support children and families. Michael Jordan makes people want to help others; this is what a role model should be.
Tim Tebow might be one of the biggest figures in any professional sport. For Tebow it's not for the negative things he doesn't either, it's for all the good this young man does. Tebow is a quarterback for the New York Jets, but this is not what he's known for the most. Tim is more recognized for what he does off the field. Tim is a child of two missionaries; he has actually been on a few missions as well.
Athletes Should Be Role Models

Everyday there is around 29.4 million people watching National Football League (NFL) and there are over 24.12 million watching National Basketball Association (NBA). With all those people watching at home and wear their favorite players jersey or their role model's jersey they respect them in many ways because they want to be just like them and grow up to the fame they have. Everyday people tune into watch National Basketball Association NBA and NFL and some players are being looked up too, some people look up to these professional players just to be just like them and some people follow in their footsteps even if they do bad mistakes. To start off the statement on why athletes should be role models is because some kids, teens, and adults want to be like most of these players because they grow up watching those following in their footsteps and wanting to just like them even if they do bad things like hit women, do drugs and everything their role models do. "However, if certain athletes show bad traits on and off the field they shouldn't be role models." ( Smith "The Debate : Athletes as role models") The basic reasoning on this quote is that role models are someone we look to kids look up to those amazing athletes trying to be just like them and then once these professional players mess up kids and even adults end up following them because they respect these players so much that they want to be like them. Kids are always following them when their professional players are
Role Model Athlete Role Models

Sports have played a huge role in society since the beginning. From the Greeks to the present day, the influence of great athletes has been enormous. However, today's media has enhanced sports and the people who play them dramatically . Athletes are seen all over the place, we see them in commercials, on television shows, we read about them in magazines, and we watch them on national television all of the time. Sports are some of the most watched television programs. People of all ages look up to these athletes.
Athletes are expected to be responsible, positive, and mature role models. Many of the Sports Organizations like the NFL have put in league wide policies to keep athletes in line. Even though some break these policies and get in trouble with the league and sometimes the law. Most higher level athletes provide hope for young athletes all around the world. Jackie Robinson for example broke the color barrier in baseball, and gave new hope to black athletes everywhere. Children act like their favorite players when they are playing sports, and mimic their moves and attitudes.
Sports are a big part of our society. They put the athletes who play them on a pedestal. In this paper I plan to show the need for athlete role models in society, the kind of role models athletes become, and the ways in which athlete role models influence fans. One of the fastest growing popular cultural practices in the US is organized sports. Approximately 30 million children are involved in
What Are Professional Athletes Good Role Models

Professional athletes are hardworking and raw talented individuals who are paid to entertain. These athletes create a society of entertainment which engages industries of merchandise, advertisements and fans to pay a great amount of money. These athletes are part of the community, they create a sense of national pride and provides enjoyment for society. In addition to this, professional athletes are great role models for younger individuals. For example, Mariano Rivera who expends a great amount of money yearly in America and Panama building schools and orphanages which provides social services. By comparison, Bachor Houli, AFL player whose club supports the Houli in actively spreading his Muslim faith with the community, providing inspiration
Essay about Why Athletes are Good Role Models

Why Athletes are Good Role Models
Ever since the ancient years, we have admired athletes and the hard work that they do to achieve their goal of winning. We idolize them and wish we were more like them. What happens though when the realization sinks in that they are human too and that some of them do get greedy and selfish? A lot of athletes are model citizens that you should really look up to, but there are also some bad apples in the bunch that ruin it for everyone. Athletes can inspire young people to work hard so that their efforts can pay off, but no one is pure and flawless. Greed does take a hold of some players, but they shouldn't be the ones we devote all of our attention to. We should look at the
positive...show more content...
Shaquille O'Neal bought over 1,000 turkeys and gave to needy families all across the nation on Thanksgiving. I did not hear one mention of that in the news. They are making us believe that all athletes are bad people with their propaganda. If they spent half the time covering the good–hearted stories that they do the bad ones, we would have a different opinion on the hard working athlete.
Michael Jordan has started a foundation that donates money for research to help physically challenged children. He has been running up the tabs at
Atlantic City casinos, but who hasn't gambled? We are not perfect. Michael may gamble, but he does his share of helping and works hard for what he has acquired.
Gambling is no crime, so then he is not showing us a negative thing. If parents disapprove of him gambling, then they should outlaw it because he is not doing anything wrong. Michael, and other athletes as well, is aware that he is constantly being watched by millions and tries to act accordingly.
There has been a major controversy in the NBA lately thanks to Charles
Barkley and his claim in an interview that he is not a role model, but that is the job of the parent. He says that parents shouldn't be blaming the athletes if they can't control their own children. Another person that agrees with this notion is football and basketball star Deion Sanders. Barkley has paid over
$80,000 in fines over a period of two years. He
Athletes as Role Models Essay

True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have. Role models are those who have affected us in ways that influence us to be better people. They are people who others imitate, emulate or look to for guidance. There are good role models who inspire greatness in others and bad role models who are bad influences. There are even anti–role models, pegged by the media as "bad girls" or "bad boys" who serve as good examples of what not to do if you want to become a successful, respected person. With the majority of my time spent as an athlete throughout high school and college, I believe athletes should pose as role models.
Athletes can be good role models in terms of demonstrating how to be professional. The...show more content...
Though professional athletes get individualized attention because of their talent, being an effective team player is a major part of their job. Off the court or field, players engage in community service projects with fellow teammates, which also portray how working together, effectively, can achieve an even greater goal. Many players have also established foundations that help a population for which the player has a special interest.
Many times we find that young people look up to athletes. There are countless community centers that offer different athletic programs. Many times there are young people with endless talent and ability, striving to be just like their favorite athletes. There are a number of good athletes that display an incredible amount of perseverance in their everyday lives. This alone serves as inspiration to young people.
When I was a kid I use to play basketball every day because of one man his name is "Michael Jordan" he was one of the greatest players in history of the NBA. Also he inspires everyone to never give up. When he didn't make his high school team, he kept trying, illness never held him back from the games. He made the world a better place by setting an example for others. Michael Jordan has helped in the Special Olympics. Through his basketball career he has shown great perseverance and hard work he inspires people to work hard and always helped others. Michael Jordan always shows children how to reach
'Athletes Stand As Role Models, Like It Or Not'

Joe Black is writer for The Daily Times. In "Athletes Stand As Role Models, Like It Or Not" Black sheds light on the tendency of star athletes to shape society's perception of right and wrong, and criticizes athletes for not promoting moral conduct. He argues that "young folk" are highly impressionable and that the influential nature of being a professional athlete obligates sportspeople to uphold a higher level of moral integrity than members of the general public (par. 3). According to Black, by putting sportspeople in a position to directly influence the ideology of fans, the media has inadvertently designated professional athletes as role models. As a result, he argues that athletes have a social obligation to conduct themselves in a...show more content...
Nonetheless, this in no way obligates sportspeople to maintain an ethical lifestyle outside of sports. Just because athletes are promoted on television and media for their prowess in tackling or scoring touchdowns, doesn't mean that people should rely on them to establish their moral constructs. In other words, it is impractical to think that someone who excels at playing a sport automatically possesses the values and character required to positively mold the ideology of others. Yet, this is exactly the argument that Black attempts to make. By depicting professional athletes as role models, Black makes the inference that playing a sport is in some way virtuous. This post hoc ergo propter hoc argumentation is flawed because it promotes the idea that being a proficient athlete somehow qualifies someone as righteous. However, athletic ability in no way translates to the quality of an individual's value system. To highlight this issue, one can focus on the case of Tiger Woods, a professional golfer who was heavily criticized in 2009 when it became public that he had an affair (Falzone par. 4). Although Woods is considered to be one of the most talented golfers of al time, he leaves much to be desired in terms of character (Falzone par. 4). Consequently, it is unfair to discriminate against professional athletes, and to generalize their occupation as noble. In sports, just like in any other profession, there are individuals who deserve to be role models and those who do

Female athletes do not get paid as much as they deserve for the work they execute for the sports industry. Female athletes do so much for the sports industry that is not appreciated. They are good role models for adolescent girls to be confident in themselves and to get involved in sports and activities outside or at school. Female athletes also produce profit for the industry as well as earn money from endorsements just as male athletes do. Although people may state that female athletes lack in many different factors, female athletes are good role models for their young viewers, they are the driving force that generates most of the revenue for the teams' federation, and they portray the equal amount of work that the male athletes do and therefore, should receive the same payment. Peer pressure and self–esteem are two things girls are struggling with in today's day and age, but female athletes encourage girls to get involved in sports in order to clear up some stresses they might be having. Female athletes promote confidence and strength which helps adolescent girls understand that these things are key to being a successful person in life. Experts state that by the age of 12, girls are 6 times more likely to drop out of playing sports than boys because girls do not receive as many positive reinforcements about their sports participation as boys. Female athletes can improve and change the behavior of the girls so that they will have confidence and feel like they want to
Athletes Role Models Research Paper

I. When we look at people, why do we judge right away and don't think twice? Sometimes, first judgment about a person is not the best opinion to have about that person. Role models are people who show good morals and show people that they should live how they do. Role models are good people to look up to. But how can we relate these people to athletes? Well, an athlete is not like a role model. An athlete is given a contract and needs to achieve the goal given within. A role model's job is to be an upstanding citizen in society. Athletes need to do what is required of them and not worry about public opinion. Even though experts argue that athletes should be held at a higher behavioral standard, these expectations are unrealistic.
II. SUBTOPIC...show more content...
What an athlete does off of the field is something that he/she decides and isn't incorporated with the organization they represent.
B. An organization that represents these athletes wants to be remembered for their record or how good they did in that season.
1. "Professional athletes are just like you and me (Cohn)."
a. Athletes are normal people and make mistakes throughout their career.
b. An organization's reputation shouldn't be tampered with because of a mistake that an athlete makes. Nobody is perfect.
2. Athletes are paid for one reason; that is to beat opponents not for being cases of ethics (Cohn).
a. Organizations and franchises pay athletes to do well in the sport that they play and not worry about they do outside of the sport.
b. Athletes are paid to excel in the sport that they play and franchises shouldn't be destroyed because of what they do outside of the game.
V. Role models are people who need to be upstanding citizens regardless of what they do with their life. Role models are typically people that are looked up to: like police officers, firemen, and leaders but athletes are thrown into this category. Athletes should not be put at that higher behavioral standard because they have a job and need to do whatever it takes to succeed. Athletes are the type of people that need to excel at what they do which is sports and events they participate in. A role model and athlete are two totally different people; always have been and it should never change. If an
Athletes As Role Models

Professional athletes are role models to the youth whether they want to or not, but what makes a good role model? Frank Smoll of Psychology Today, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington, has questioned professional athletes' job as mentors for the youth, and he has also comprised a list about what makes a good role model. Smoll says a good role model should have a sense of empathy and present themselves in a responsible manner. Professional athletes are regularly seen almost everywhere in the media, and being respectful would be great for the nation's youth. Professional athletes following the rule book and practicing good sportsmanship will set an example for younger athletes, and that is their job as a professional athlete. Smoll also says that a good role model should be enthusiastic about their position and dedicate time to community activities. Professional athletes should embrace their effect on children, make appearances at public events, and work with charity organizations. Athletes who are enthusiastic and participate in community activities teaches the youth to be caring and unselfish. They can set a great example for the youth and inspire them to be courteous towards their communities. A good role model accepts their role in society, and several professional athletes make great role models. Although some people believe professional athletes shouldn't be viewed as role models, there are various athletes who set a great precedent for the youth.